(no subject)

Nov 16, 2010 05:00

Who: The Tenth Doctor and Narvin
What: The Doctor gets deplorably careless with his personal belongings while trying to figure out what's happening, and Narvin takes advantage of it.
Where: A random common room.
When: The first day of the blackout (backdating to after Narvin talks to Omega, but before T'Pol asks about how TARDISes should work).
Warnings: Snark?

In a way, the Doctor doesn't particularly like this turn of events; a blackout is the very last thing one needs in a facility that's housing dozens of potentially dangerous people. Well, one of the very last things, at least. This place hasn't exactly been wowing him so far with its security measures and attempts to limit violent incidents, and that can only go downhill during a situation like this.

On the other hand, he's really quite interested in working out what's happened here. Clearly, whatever it is that mysteriously powers this ship is offline, and if he can just find out what the problem is, maybe that can bring him one step closer to discovering how the ship actually works. It's a thought, anyway.

And so he finds himself, eventually, in a room he randomly selected after spending a few minutes roaming through the darkened halls and checking for any obvious emergencies. There didn't appear to be any, so now he's going to poke around and check for anything especially telling-energy leaks in the wall, any place that might still have power-that might lead him to a power source. He's dropped his long coat in a pile on the floor a few feet away as he pokes and prods at a very normal-looking wall, the only real light in the room coming from his sonic, blue tip blinking on and off.

narvin, the doctor (tenth)

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