Savages! Savages! Barely even human.

Sep 19, 2010 13:49

Who: Mrs Carmody Misato and the townspeople.
What: A supper at the schoolhouse for everyone VEHEMENTLY AGAINST THE CARNIVAL. There will be discussions of mob violence. And five flavors of pie. Consider it a group post. Tag whoever you want. Misato will just be whipping everyone into a lather.
Where: The schoolhouse.
Notes:Pretend like there was actually a note about this that went out and I'm not all of the lame.

At the schoolhouse, a very small supper has been prepared for everyone who would rather engage in wholesome town activities rather than frolic with the heathens at the carnival. Sadly, like most things that Misato does, this is not just a supper. This is a way of getting every likeminded individual into one place, so she can preach the Gospel at them and get them to unleash the fury of the Lord upon the Devil's workers at the carnival.

Look, mob violence doesn't work when there's only one person in the mob and Misato is very good at getting people to follow her.

misato katsuragi, neil howie, flood, neil mccormick, adam monroe, loki

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