Jun 18, 2010 10:14

Who: Alastair, Ted, Arthas, Batboy, Denise, Rayne
What: ZOMBIE PORT OH Fffffffffff
Where: An airport terminal... waking up in a security room.
When: One post for the port. 
Warnings: zombies, shotguns, gore, possibly vomit and fun things.

Alastair hadn't been awake for long and yet it seemed like he was the first to rise. His little siesta in the subconcious of his host had unfortunately come to an abrupt end as the port began. A creature as him felt the importance of not being fucking asleep in a place like this, so he had roused himself. There was something feral beyond the walls of this safe room for he could taste it in the air. It was charming, really. I wonder if they were a chatty bunch.

He had woken in a enclosed room of sorts. It was large but contained, on the far wall a gun case left open with a blood smeared handprint on the glass of the door. Alastair idly walked over to the cabinet and reached for an old friend of his, the pump shotgun. The metal was cool in his hand with the wooden pump pressing against his fingers like a friendly handshake. Yes this will do very nicely. Not that Alastair knew there were any zombies outside at this very moment. He just liked guns.

Posting Order: Alastair, Ted, Arthas, Batboy, Denise, Rayne.

ted sprague, arthas menethil, edgar parker, alastair, rayne, denise mahoney

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