(no subject)

Jun 02, 2010 18:40

Who: O'Brien and Miss Rose
Where: The library
When: The morning
Warnings: Ridiculousness?

Rose made her way through the rows of books, casually looking over the titles with only a general interest. Without a warden, her shift not yet to start, Rose often found herself on the bored side. She missed her classroom, the atmosphere of the village. Going to the CES was not enough anymore. She was, for lack of a better word, homesick.

So she turned to reading, which she hoped would be a good distraction for her.

However, she wasn't finding much luck in what she was looking for, as she really didn't know what to look for in the first place. She didn't want to read a novel, wasn't interested in philosophy. Didn't particularly want to go through poetry. Somehow, she found herself with a book on the history of music and hummed softly to herself. As she rounded a corner, she saw O'Brien there and paused, tilting her head to the side. He seemed so out of place there.

"Good morning," she greeted gently, almost pleasantly. 

o'brien, miss rose

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