Meditations r srs bzns

Mar 01, 2010 08:54

Who: Jubilee + Open (multithreads are beyond awesome)
Where: The Deck
When: After dawn tai-chi
What: Random encounters?
Warnings: None, but will edit if necessary

She might be mad at Logan, but the teachings still held )

jace beleren, jubilee, cissie king-jones

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mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 20:15:15 UTC
After a couple days on the barge, Jace was beginning to grow accustomed to its oddities. Magic worked differently for different people, not everyone was the correct gender right now, and the ship itself probably shouldn't have been able to exist. But it did.

The past two days had been spent thinking in circles with no real conclusions, and Jace had mostly put figuring out how the ship could exist off to be considered later once he had more information.

A nice walk on the deck seemed like a good way to pass the time, and work out the soreness from his fight a couple days ago. He slowed down to observe a young man kneeling oddly, and apparently deep in thought.


fireworkbubbles March 1 2010, 20:17:44 UTC
Second attempt just as bad as the first. Frustrating, but not unexpected. Sighing, she didn't open her eyes. "It's not polite to stare." She said, shifting so she was off her knees, at least.

She turned to look. "I'm Jubilee." She offered.


mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 20:25:35 UTC
"I didn't mean to disturb you." Jace said, although the young man didn't seem to be concentrating on whatever he was doing very hard if he was so easily distracted. It did indicate a good awareness of his surroundings, and Jace could appreciate that.

"I'm Jace," He paused, considering making a remark about gender, but decided it was probably a touchy topic for those that had been afflicted.


fireworkbubbles March 1 2010, 20:29:59 UTC
"Well, Jace, pop a squat if you wanna hang around." Jubilee said, waving at the deck. "You didn't disturb me. I'm totally failing at meditation today." She shrugged.


mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 20:34:49 UTC
Jace shifted his cloak so he wouldn't sit on it and sat down on the deck. "Do you meditate every day?"

Such a public place like this didn't seem like it would be very good for meditation with people coming and going constantly. Jace certainly wouldn't have picked this spot to meditate if he'd felt the desire to do so.


fireworkbubbles March 1 2010, 21:10:19 UTC
Jubilee leaned back on her hands. "Yep." She shrugged her shoulders. "I can't do it inside, and the little nature thing upstairs isn't what I need, so this has to be a substitute." She explained.


mind_sculptor March 2 2010, 01:53:48 UTC
If he was going to meditate, Jace probably would have selected the nature enclosure or his room. The fact that Jubilee did it every day indicated at least a fair amount of discipline. Or lack of more interesting things to do, which might be the case here.

"The nature area upstairs isn't really what I need either, but I can live with it."


fireworkbubbles March 2 2010, 01:58:12 UTC
"Oh, it's nice enough." Jubilee agreed. "Just not what I need for meditations." She admitted, with a shrug. She eyed him. "I take it you're new?" And got missed by this flood. She was over the genderswap. So over it.


mind_sculptor March 2 2010, 02:09:12 UTC
"I'd much rather have a real island or two," Jace remarked. He nodded when Jubilee asked if he was new.

"I am. And I've always been a guy."


fireworkbubbles March 2 2010, 02:12:43 UTC
Jubilee couldn't help but laugh. "I take it you were lucky enough to miss this?" She waved down at herself. "I'm usually a girl." She admitted. "Waiting for the Admiral to decide the joke is over."

She grinned. "And I could go for an island or two." She thought about it. "Well, once I'm me again."


mind_sculptor March 2 2010, 02:32:02 UTC
Jace really wasn't surprised to find out this young man was a young woman. He wondered how different she looked when she was... herself.

"Can't enjoy a good island while you're a man?" Jace asked, a little amused.


fireworkbubbles March 2 2010, 02:34:28 UTC
Jubilee grinned. "Oh, I could," she admitted. "But, ya know, none of my bathing suits fit, and I look awesome in a bikini." A smirk. "Shame to waste them, but I can be patient."


mind_sculptor March 2 2010, 02:44:22 UTC
"You're a guy now, you can go swimming in just about anything," Jace observed. Although if she wanted to wait until she was a girl to go swimming, Jace wasn't going to try to talk her out of it.


fireworkbubbles March 2 2010, 02:51:48 UTC
She wrinkled her nose. "Unfortunately, everything I'm wearing is borrowed from a few friends. So, I can't go swimming in them." Jubilee shrugged, and stretched out on the deck with a grunt. "Besides, I can't guarantee I won't drown myself. Coordination sucks."


mind_sculptor March 2 2010, 02:57:58 UTC
"Your normal clothes are too small?" Jace asked. He suspected that if there was a change in size, it seemed reasonable that people transitioning from man to woman would get smaller, and the reverse would happen for those going from woman to man.

"If I'm around, I can promise you won't drown."


fireworkbubbles March 2 2010, 03:03:46 UTC
She put an arm behind her head. "More they don't fit the same. I'm not taller, but my pants, and shirts are built for a woman's body, and well, I don't have the same physique as I did then." She flicked bangs out of her face. "My looser clothes fit, but nothing tighter, which is... most of my wardrobe."


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