
Feb 27, 2010 22:20

Who: Jace Beleren and Armand St. Just (and OPEN if anyone else wants to multithread me)
Where: Level 5, wandering around
When: Not too long after Jace has arrived.
Warnings: Jace will read Armand's mind a little bit.

The mind is not a safe place to store valuables )

jace beleren, kurt wagner/nightcrawler, armand st. just

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Have a tipsy Girl Nightcrawler with Xavier Brand Mental Shielding theoriginalbamf February 28 2010, 06:53:45 UTC
[ooc: I think it just makes his brains harder to read but not unreadable]

It was interesting, she was a smidge tipsy...and had barely drunk anything at all! What she may have lost in the size of her frame, and it wasn't all that much, she was still - barely - over five feet tall, she should have made up with increased bodyfat so...?

Ach, she'd lost her train of thought.

Kurt dropped down from the ceiling and rounded a corner, "Oh! Hallo!" She exclaimed, as she moved aside to avoid plowing into a new face, "Have we met?"

Because the fellow very well could have been a young lady a few days ago. It was better to check.


mind_sculptor February 28 2010, 21:03:30 UTC
[ooc: Jace won't attempt to get past shields in order to avoid any unfortunate accidents. But he will be very confused about what Kurt is.]

Jace was startled from some deep thinking when something short, blue, and furry rounded the corner and nearly walked into him. The face was human, but her ears were pointed, and the blue fur made identification of her species impossible.

He spent a few moments staring in surprised silence and taking in details, before he realized he was probably being rude. "No, I don't think we have. I just arrived," Jace said. She seemed a little drunk, and Jace still had no idea what she was even after several more moments of thought.

Maybe she was some sort of hybrid, but... between what? Was that even possible?


theoriginalbamf February 28 2010, 22:04:26 UTC
The man just sort of stared. She was used to that. Purim was her new favorite holiday, and so she was filled with Purim cheer as she smiled a bit goofily back, flashing the man a friendly fangy smile, "Welcome then!" She stuck on tridigit hand out to him, "Kurt Wagner, at your service!" She practically sang in a high musical voice. "Oh! Ja, it's a man's name. I usually am one. A man. There's been a flood. Which I think is Barge slang for a wild magic surge that causes random weird effects...such as gender switching." She rambled happily, "Happy Purim!"


mind_sculptor February 28 2010, 22:15:35 UTC
Definitely drunk. Jace reached out and shook the hand that was offered, noting the odd number of fingers, most of the races he'd encountered had four fingers and a thumb. "I'm Jace Beleren. I've always been a man," He said, since he wanted to avoid any confusion on that subject.

He wasn't sure what 'Purim' was, but the way Kurt said it, Jace suspected it was a holiday. A holiday that involved alcohol, although most did in his experience.


theoriginalbamf February 28 2010, 22:25:22 UTC
Her tail swooped up to sway woozily over her head, as if it just noticed Jace itself and wanted to have a look. "You know you're on the Barge when you have to introduce yourself in such a way, ja?" Kurt laughed and shook his hand, not as firmly as she would have liked, but she wasn't sure if that was due to her new girliness or the rum. She stood on tip toe and took measure of him, tapping her chin. "Warden!" She decided, "You're a Warden. You look far too calm and nonbelligerent to be a new inmate."


mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 01:39:16 UTC
Being under such open and honest scrutiny was a little odd. Normally Jace had more discrete people observing him. "I am," Jace said, "Are you also a Warden?"

Unable to hold his curiosity back anymore, he carefully reached out to read Kurt's mind. He was surprised to immediately encounter resistance, and withdrew without attempting to force past whatever it was that stopped him. Was she- he, a telepath? Jace had never encountered another aside from Nicol Bolas, and had no idea what another telepath's mind might feel like if he tried to enter.


theoriginalbamf March 1 2010, 02:20:22 UTC
"Ja, a Warden." Kurt nodded and blinked. If she hadn't been a bit ferschnickered she might have noticed the gentle probe. Instead, she smiled blankly up at Jace, trying think of something to say. "We've having a Purim party."


mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 02:27:17 UTC
"I can see that you've been celebrating," Jace remarked, looking down at the odd blue woman. Man.

"I've never run into anyone like you before. What are you?" He felt very foolish to have to ask such a question, but Kurt matched no being he had ever seen or any illustration or description.


theoriginalbamf March 1 2010, 02:32:08 UTC
"Maybe too much celebrating." Huh. She felt fuzzier than she should. Ach. No more rum.


Ha! Fuzzier.

"Hmm? What am I?" Kurt looked down at herself. Oh! The blue and the tail. "Human...ish. Mutant human. And this and that. What are you?"


mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 02:40:39 UTC
Jace stared as Kurt looked down at herself. The announcement that she was a variety of human was odd, and Jace wondered what sort of plane would produce humans that looked like that and didn't just start calling themselves something else.

And what she meant by 'and this and that' was anyone's guess since Jace wasn't sure he could get into her mind without causing any harm. She certainly looked like someone had taken inspiration from several species and made a new one.

"I'm human," Jace said. He had hoped that he was obviously human, and glanced down to check. No, definitely human looking.


theoriginalbamf March 1 2010, 08:43:19 UTC
"Around here, you never know. We've human looking people coming out of the woodwork - but are actually Angels, demons, vampires, Time Lords, aliens, and such." Kurt crossed her arms, "Ach, I'll be glad when this flood is over. I'm so short."


mind_sculptor March 1 2010, 20:02:47 UTC
"I don't think I've ever seen an Angel or Demon that could pass for human," Jace said, thinking about that. The presence of demons here was a little troubling.

Mistaking a vampire for a human could be possible. He had no idea what a Time Lord was, but if the name was at all accurate they would probably be very powerful. "So not only did you get turned into a woman but you became shorter..." Jace was glad he hadn't been around for whatever had caused this. He didn't think it would be bad, but he liked his body the way it was.

"Has anyone here tried to reverse it?" Something like that was beyond Jace's ability, but there might have been others that could. He wasn't even sure he would have been able to stop it if he'd been there when it happened. Disrupting or negating a spell cast by another mage was one thing, but magic like this sounded like it would require a completely different approach.


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