
Feb 27, 2010 22:20

Who: Jace Beleren and Armand St. Just (and OPEN if anyone else wants to multithread me)
Where: Level 5, wandering around
When: Not too long after Jace has arrived.
Warnings: Jace will read Armand's mind a little bit.

The mind is not a safe place to store valuables )

jace beleren, kurt wagner/nightcrawler, armand st. just

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Comments 33

young_idealist February 28 2010, 04:31:55 UTC
Armand was on his way to the library, or her way if you prefer, but he preferred to think of himself still as male. This was only temporary, after all. He'd finished reading Great Expectations and dearly needed a break from Dickens, so he was considering snagging Candide before Sexby came back for it.

Mostly, though he was in a habitual reverie. He walked these few steps from his cabin to the library many times a week. What did it matter that today he was a woman, still sporting ill-fitting 18th century men's clothes? But today there was someone in the corridor. And it wasn't Ethan.

Armand smiled and gave a quick bow. "I don't believe we've met, monsieur."


mind_sculptor February 28 2010, 04:40:13 UTC
Jace turned as he was approached, and then returned the quick bow. "We haven't, I only recently arrived," Jace said. This would be a good chance to learn the layout of the ship.

He cautiously reached out with his mental senses, feeling the woman's mind carefully. She didn't feel like a mage upon first examination, so Jace went in, trying to ignore as many memories not pertaining to what he was looking for as possible.

Jace still had to deal with very odd thoughts on the outer most regions of the woman's mind. One of them being that she was only temporarily female, and her clothes were male. How odd. How did one temporarily change from male to female?

Realizing he was distracted Jace concentrated on his task, seeking the layout of the ship.


young_idealist February 28 2010, 04:43:17 UTC
Armand was completely oblivious to the poking around in his mind. He nodded at the admission of being new. "This is likely an odd time to be arriving. Many of us aren't quite ourselves. The Barge took on water sometime yesterday." This explanation was giving as if he expected it to make perfect sense. "Are you assigned to live on Deck Five?"


mind_sculptor February 28 2010, 04:48:57 UTC
It seemed Jace had chosen well. Armand appeared to know most of the ship, though it seemed 'level zero' would need to be investigated. And the library was on this floor, that was convenient.

Since he was still withdrawing as Armand spoke, Jace was actually able to determine what he was really saying, more or less. Jace had to withdraw completely before he spoke.

"Yes, I believe I am assigned to this deck," Jace said.


Have a tipsy Girl Nightcrawler with Xavier Brand Mental Shielding theoriginalbamf February 28 2010, 06:53:45 UTC
[ooc: I think it just makes his brains harder to read but not unreadable]

It was interesting, she was a smidge tipsy...and had barely drunk anything at all! What she may have lost in the size of her frame, and it wasn't all that much, she was still - barely - over five feet tall, she should have made up with increased bodyfat so...?

Ach, she'd lost her train of thought.

Kurt dropped down from the ceiling and rounded a corner, "Oh! Hallo!" She exclaimed, as she moved aside to avoid plowing into a new face, "Have we met?"

Because the fellow very well could have been a young lady a few days ago. It was better to check.


mind_sculptor February 28 2010, 21:03:30 UTC
[ooc: Jace won't attempt to get past shields in order to avoid any unfortunate accidents. But he will be very confused about what Kurt is.]

Jace was startled from some deep thinking when something short, blue, and furry rounded the corner and nearly walked into him. The face was human, but her ears were pointed, and the blue fur made identification of her species impossible.

He spent a few moments staring in surprised silence and taking in details, before he realized he was probably being rude. "No, I don't think we have. I just arrived," Jace said. She seemed a little drunk, and Jace still had no idea what she was even after several more moments of thought.

Maybe she was some sort of hybrid, but... between what? Was that even possible?


theoriginalbamf February 28 2010, 22:04:26 UTC
The man just sort of stared. She was used to that. Purim was her new favorite holiday, and so she was filled with Purim cheer as she smiled a bit goofily back, flashing the man a friendly fangy smile, "Welcome then!" She stuck on tridigit hand out to him, "Kurt Wagner, at your service!" She practically sang in a high musical voice. "Oh! Ja, it's a man's name. I usually am one. A man. There's been a flood. Which I think is Barge slang for a wild magic surge that causes random weird effects...such as gender switching." She rambled happily, "Happy Purim!"


mind_sculptor February 28 2010, 22:15:35 UTC
Definitely drunk. Jace reached out and shook the hand that was offered, noting the odd number of fingers, most of the races he'd encountered had four fingers and a thumb. "I'm Jace Beleren. I've always been a man," He said, since he wanted to avoid any confusion on that subject.

He wasn't sure what 'Purim' was, but the way Kurt said it, Jace suspected it was a holiday. A holiday that involved alcohol, although most did in his experience.


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