(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 00:40

Who: Parker and Denise
When: Backdated to day 2 of the Kissing Town port (because I was sick and couldn't write this then :c )
Where: Whichever bar Parker planted her butt in upon arriving in Kissing Town.
What: Bitching and I have no idea what else.
Warnings: LANGUAGE.

The hearts.

The fucking floating hearts.

The first little cupid to bother her had blanched and drawn back when she told it she'd break its face; the second, she tripped, and it seemed ready to take aim until she told that one as well that its face was in danger of breakage. Since then they hadn't bothered her, and she'd carried on walking with that special warm feeling she got whenever she got to see a child fall on his or her face.

The hearts, though...they wouldn't leave her alone, and her attempt to throw one to the ground and stomp on it had been futile. They were annoying the hell out of her, because of the way they swarmed.


In any case, it totally wasn't because she was missing Drew, not even a tiny bit. She wasn't even exclusive to him, for chrissakes. She was an island. Drew might have a day pass there, but he sure as hell didn't get to make camp.

Spotting her inmate through the plate-glass window of the bar was a perfect distraction at the perfect time. She marched in as if she owned the place, and only stopped next to Parker in order to snatch the woman's glass and down what little was left in it.

"C'mon, we're moving out."

miss parker, denise mahoney

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