(no subject)

Feb 17, 2010 00:25

Who: Libby and Martha
When: Today.
Where: CES
What: Therapy.
Warnings: Flood and life trauma.

Martha hadn't wanted to push her friend into therapy; she had hoped that finally being able to rest would settle the issue. It hadn't of course, because nothing on the barge could be that easy, so now Martha was hoping that just letting Libby talk and her listening would help her friend at least a little bit. Everything seemed to be so bloody wrong lately, and she just wanted Libby to feel a little better and have some solace from nightmares.

Arriving slightly early for their appointment, Martha had a picnic basket strewn over one arm, making her feel a bit like Dorothy. But she wanted them to have a blanket to sit on, and she wanted them to have tea. Thankfully this was plan old regular tea left over from Christmas... The tea from port was hidden in a sock, along with some chocolates, and of course the singing ring and then tucked inside her thickest coat at the back of her closet where hopefully no one would ever find it.

CES had provided them a hopefully calming spot, a meadow filled with wildflowers, and a stream cutting across the middle. Spreading the blanket out, Martha took a moment to compose herself in the sunshine.

libby widmore, martha jones

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