(no subject)

Feb 08, 2010 21:45

Who: Pavi & Prefect
When: Uhh sometime today, I dunno
Where: Pavi's room
Warnings: Man angst?

So Pavi had graduated.

It hadn't really sunk in that it was even a possibility, right up until he'd gone back to his room to find it pitch-black and filled with the voice of the Admiral - an odd sort of exchange where he was able to remember everything that had been said but not any of the conversation itself. He couldn't even recall how the Admiral's voice sounded, not really.

He had asked for a day to say his farewells and then he'd been left alone, in a room precisely identical to the one he'd left in GeneCo Towers - the mirrors restored, the hidden knives, the chloroform. He took up one of his favourite hand mirrors, abstractly pleased that his own reflection didn't make him wince, then set it down when he heard the knock at the door.

His visitor received a broad smile.


pavi largo, prefect

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