
Jan 09, 2010 02:33

Who: Shego, Dr. McCoy, Cap'n Kirk
Where: The Infirmary
When: First night of the flood
Warning: Probably some violence/language and references to torture. GOOD TIMES.

The line moved around a lot, too, which didn't help. )

leonard mccoy, captain james t. kirk, shego

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PS: Kirk is sexist like hardcore captain_jtkirk January 9 2010, 02:49:22 UTC
Jim could've sworn that Shego was getting more annoying lately. More happy go lucky and happy and just goddamn-good hearted. Which, he supposed was pretty normal for her. She was a woman. When it came down to it, all they were good for was warming a bed for a few hours.

He tapped his fingers against his arm slowly, counting every second that she was late in his head. For every single second that she wasted his time, he'd let Bones have another minute with her. Sixty seconds would turn into sixty minutes and so on.

When she finally entered, he jerked his head over to one of the beds. "Oh doctor! Your treat is here."


hyposprayed January 9 2010, 02:59:33 UTC
McCoy had his arms crossed, leaning his side against one of the beds in this disgusting place that should have been a Sick Bay. He tried not to eye Kirk too warily while they waited, blood running cold when Shego walked in, at Kirk's words. He wasn't so dense he couldn't put two and two together.

"She piss you off, huh?" McCoy asked as nonchalantly as he could manage, raising his brow at Kirk.


gotgreenmagic January 9 2010, 03:07:01 UTC
Shego gave McCoy the brief flash of a wide-eyed stare because he was right there, talking about her like she was barely even there, just like always. He'd said so much weird stuff that she'd thought he had changed, and he'd said he would help her, and it just wasn't true. He'd seen people acting up and he'd decided to go along with it to see who he could catch out. Hadn't he?

Just another experiment. And she was so stupid and naive that she'd hoped -

Shego wanted to scream or cry or run but nothing would help and she refused to give Kirk the satisfaction. She took off her jacket, folded it neatly and sat on the edge of the bed Kirk had indicated, fingernails digging into the hard mattress.


captain_jtkirk January 9 2010, 03:11:32 UTC
"She has been pretty stupid lately," Kirk agreed, eyeing McCoy for a long moment. He was acting pretty strange and not just because of Pavi. The Captain just... couldn't put his finger on what it was.

Not yet anyway. But he would.

"Use the rusty scalpel. I want it to really hurt."


hyposprayed January 9 2010, 03:19:06 UTC
"Aye Captain." McCoy drawled, moving to the drawers. He used the angle and drawer to mask the fact he opened the pack at his side, putting the hypo within easy reach before turning, said scalpel in hand.

"Lie down." He said to Shego as he approached, near Kirk's side. "How many times has it been?" He asked idly.


gotgreenmagic January 9 2010, 03:27:34 UTC
Shego reviewed her options. She could get up, fight them off, one of them would phase her and she'd wake up strapped to the bed or numbed from the waist down so she couldn't run.

Fun, right?

She lay down.

"Ten to twenty depending on what you count as a time," she said, almost casual, smiling rigidly through her panic. But he knew that already. He knew and he was mocking her because she'd believed him.


captain_jtkirk January 9 2010, 03:41:37 UTC
Kirk rolled his eyes a little bit. "Quit drinking so much and maybe you'd remember, you cantankerous son of a bitch," he snapped, gesturing at McCoy impatiently to get on with it or he'd have to do all of the work himself and that wouldn't bode well for McCoy in the end.


hyposprayed January 9 2010, 03:45:56 UTC
"Ten or twenty." McCoy muttered to himself, hand wrapping around the hypo. He moved as quickly as he could muster, trying to jam the hypo into Kirk's neck because if he didn't manage it quickly Kirk could take them both down without too much of a struggle.


gotgreenmagic January 9 2010, 04:09:45 UTC
Shego moved the second she saw who McCoy was really aiming for, her eyes widening. Was he really - she knew there was infighting sometimes between the people of their world, but never anything so - and never in front of an Inmate. This was different, this was -

The hypo had missed.

She couldn't work out if that was by accident or design any more. Even if McCoy wasn't on her side, he sure as heck wasn't on Kirk's either - and that made it really easy to jump off the bed, launching herself fist-first into her Warden.


captain_jtkirk January 9 2010, 04:24:23 UTC
Kirk saw it coming too. Which was why the hypo glanced off of his neck instead of sticking him like the doctor clearly intended.

So it was going to be like that, huh?

Great. He was getting tired of covering McCoy's drunk ass anyway.

He blocked the punch from Shego and slammed his fist into her stomach as hard as he could, and then he turned slightly and backhanded McCoy just as hard.


hyposprayed January 9 2010, 04:37:01 UTC
McCoy stumbled, nearly tripping back on some stray equipment. Kirk had the advantage in strength but at least they had number, exactly what McCoy planned on using. He dashed at Kirk, practically tackling him as he tried to keep Kirk from moving.

"Shego!" He yelled. "Get the damned hypo!"


gotgreenmagic January 9 2010, 04:42:38 UTC
Shego looked up blearily, feeling sick from the punch, but she saw the silver thing on the floor and lunged for it. She had no idea what was in it - McCoy's selection went from painkillers to stimulants to poisons - but then and there she wouldn't have cared if it was full of freaking bleach. She grabbed her Warden's hair with one hand and jammed the hypo against his neck with the other, delivering the full dose without hesitation.


captain_jtkirk January 9 2010, 04:59:23 UTC
"I will fucking kill you McCoy, do you hear me? I will end you--fuck. You bitch. You better..."

That was pretty much when the sedative kicked in and the Captain slumped to the ground, pinned there under the weight of his CMO. That was his mistake. Letting McCoy catch him off guard enough to take him to the ground like that. He could've beat the both of them into the ground if that hadn't happened.

So he was unconscious. Yeah. You two are getting killed later.


hyposprayed January 9 2010, 05:11:17 UTC
McCoy untangled himself, careful of Kirk's head as he laid the other man out beside him, pressing his fingers into Kirk's neck for a pulse. His hand lingered for a few moments too long before he pulled away, staring down at Kirk with a unconscious and distantly sad look about him.

"Damnit Jim." He muttered before breaking his gaze to find Jim's communicator and pocket it. He stood, looking to Shego. "We have to get out of here now." He said, starting for the door. "Our rooms are compromised, if there's anything you need from it we're getting it now."


gotgreenmagic January 9 2010, 09:15:34 UTC
Shego looked at him like she didn't fully understand the language he was speaking, then stared down at Kirk. She'd never seen him so helpless.

Her fists clenched. A couple of good kicks would break his ribs, slow him down properly when he woke up, it wasn't like anyone in the Infirmary had a vested interest in actually healing anybody so -

- No. She wouldn't. That was why she was her and he was him, because she wouldn't. She turned, walking stiffly as she followed McCoy to the door.

"There's nothing. Nothing I need."


hyposprayed January 9 2010, 09:25:24 UTC
"Alright." McCoy answered, heading down the hall with long glances over his shoulder and around corners. "We have to find a place for you to stay. Knowing Jim he'd figure out most hiding spots before we did, so it'll have to be random."

He glanced at his PADD, scrolling through the entries before stopping and looking back to Shego. "How's your abdomen?" He asked, recalling Jim's nasty punch.


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