Intro log?

Dec 24, 2009 01:49

WHO: Soubi, OPEN - is this okay to do here? >_>
WHEN: Wow, okay, I'm crap at this keeping-track-of-ports thing already. Is everyone back on the barge already? If not, please assume that this is when everyone is coming back onto the barge.
WARNINGS: One lightly zombiefied guy with an attitude.

What happened? )

t'pol, soubi agatsuma

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I've been watching Enterprise, so cat-ape-descendent things get to meet. :p with_discipline December 24 2009, 08:28:36 UTC
T'Pol was on her way to the dining hall; New York had been an - interesting experience, but she would not visit again, if given the choice. It was too loud, too cold, and far too crowded for her tastes. The constant thrum of energy and people left her relieved to return to the Barge. Then again, she'd been pleased to return after the last Port as well; it was likely the beginning of a pattern, if others were to be believed.

She held her PADD in front of her, tapping the screen lightly as she ran through files, organizing the data she still held from home on the device with the new data it had obtained here. There was a surprisingly large amount to go through, and she pressed her lips together at herself for having let it go so long. She almost didn't notice the man wandering the halls. Then again, almost not noticing for her was noticing him at quite a distance. Vulcans.

T'Pol cocked her head to the side; there were many people on board, and she didn ot know all of them; but she recognized at least the appearance of most, even when she did not know their names. Him, she did not recognize.

"Are you lost?" She was here to help, after all. It was only logical for that job to extend beyond her inmate.


Aw! They can meow together! Or... hiss. pinnd_buttrfly December 24 2009, 09:04:17 UTC
Soubi did not slow his steps as he approached the stranger. He observed her as he had been trained to, subconsciously: not a Fighter, no magic around her, not a threat. He was about to walk by her without another thought, but he stopped when she spoke. If she was asking if he was lost, then she must know this place. And maybe how to get back to where he wanted to go.

"What is this place?" he asked in reply. "Tell me how I get out."


But that's illogical. :< with_discipline December 24 2009, 09:21:35 UTC
T'Pol cocked her head to the side, peering up at the blond with a vague curiosity. How many times had she heard this explanation given? How many times had she given the explanation?

"This is the Barge. You are, most likely, here as an inmate. It is a place for redemption. A - veritable second chance." Though she had to considered Smith's theory that this was all a very elaborate computer program. It made almost as much sense. "You do not leave until you are redeemed."


*Hisses* There. I just did it. Not illogical at all. pinnd_buttrfly December 24 2009, 09:53:20 UTC
Soubi raised an eyebrow. So he had to stay alive and thinking here until someone said he could go? Well, that wasn't about to happen.

"That's ridiculous," he said bluntly. "Tell me how to get out of here and I can make my way back myself."


Some Vulcan's brain just exploded with the illogicity. I hope you're proud. :| with_discipline December 24 2009, 18:30:32 UTC
She mirrored his raised eyebrow and lowered her PADD, one hand clutching the wrist of the other in front of her. "As I said, there is no known way out. Others have tried and failed. You are here for a reason."


Oh, I am. I AM. pinnd_buttrfly December 24 2009, 21:47:27 UTC
He gave a bitter smile. "I've never tried," he said. "Maybe it'll be different for me."

He closed his eyes and focused hard. All of his feelings of desperation, of paralyzing heartbreak and then numbness, of his will to get out of here and end it were balled up by the force of his mind into one single thought. A powerful word spell.

"Break apart. Fall away and leave a path free for me. I desire to escape and meet my destiny and my Sacrifice. You will not stop me!"

When the barge around him did not so much as twitch, he opened his eyes wide. Had his power... gone?

"What is this place?" he asked.


Vulcan's sobbing. OH WAIT, it exploded too. :| with_discipline December 24 2009, 22:12:58 UTC
Both eyebrows arched, T'Pol watched him, waiting patiently for him to discover that the Barge would not bend. She considered continuing her work on the PADD while she waited, but abandoned the thought when he opened his eyes again. She inclined her head.

"It is a barge. A place of redemption for the deceased. You are clearly here as an inmate. In the near future, a warden will be assigned you; he or she will work with you directly."


*points and laughs* 'Course, this post seems to be sobbing, too. EMO SOUBI. pinnd_buttrfly December 24 2009, 22:32:25 UTC
His heart sank horribly as realization of what this impossible situation meant dawned on him. He was dead. He had succeeded in separating himself from the world... but not from awareness. He... could still feel everything. The unbearable agony of losing everything he had, of having his soul ripped from him, while he stood chained and helpless to stop it... it was still there. He couldn't escape. He was trapped. God, no, please... no...

No. I will not raise my voice, I will grit my teeth and bear it. I must not show weakness, I must not fail.

He took a deep breath and willed his face into blank calm. He didn't know what was left to do, what he could possibly do now that he had reached this dead end, but he had to move if he didn't want to fall down.

"I don't need a Warden," was all he could think to say.


D: Why must you arouse my pity, damnit. with_discipline December 24 2009, 22:38:46 UTC
T'Pol was particularly familiar with that kind of calm, and found it interesting to see in a human. Not wholly unusual, but certainly interesting. "I believe most inmates agree with you. That is not our decision, however. It is the established system. The Admiral will assign you a warden in due time. Until then, perhaps you should return to your room, Mister...?"


Because he is pitiful. That's why. pinnd_buttrfly December 24 2009, 22:57:07 UTC
He glared. Was this woman really going to tell him where to go? Of course... it wasn't as if he had anywhere else to be. He sighed. He didn't want to think about this anymore. He needed... he needed to be controlled. He needed Seimei. He shook his head, numb.

"Agatsuma. Soubi."


:< with_discipline December 24 2009, 23:46:29 UTC
"I am T'Pol." His distress was unsettling, but she kept her face passive, and tilted her head to the side. "Where is your room located, Mister Agatsuma?"


Lawl, time to be uncooperative. pinnd_buttrfly December 25 2009, 00:00:24 UTC
In his memory, the room that he had woken up in had been down two flights, at the end of the hall. He normally had no problem with directions, but at this point he didn't even care enough to look where he was going. Or to think about how to get back. So he only shrugged.


Fffff Soubi. :| with_discipline December 25 2009, 00:05:47 UTC
T'Pol arched an eyebrow again. "You do not recall?" It would be tiresome to find his room if he didn't remember, but not impossible. Trial and error, however, was not a favorite method of hers.


Gah, I'm sorry if he's making it really difficult to continue conversation. pinnd_buttrfly December 25 2009, 00:09:34 UTC
He sighed. "You don't need to help me find it, if you're a Warden. Go back to whatever you were doing."


Nyeh, they're both pretty fail conversationalists. :-p with_discipline December 25 2009, 00:12:19 UTC
That was quite tempting, but the appropriate thing was to offer her assistance. "I am a warden. But you are also new here, and I've had the time to acclimate myself to this environment. If I can be of assistance, I will try."


LAWL CONVERSATION STARTERS pinnd_buttrfly December 25 2009, 00:16:12 UTC
He glared at her. There was no reason for her to be telling him what to do. Only one person in the world could do that, and he was dead -

His eyes widened.

"Have you met a person named Aoyagi Seimei in this place?"


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