Intro log?

Dec 24, 2009 01:49

WHO: Soubi, OPEN - is this okay to do here? >_>
WHEN: Wow, okay, I'm crap at this keeping-track-of-ports thing already. Is everyone back on the barge already? If not, please assume that this is when everyone is coming back onto the barge.
WARNINGS: One lightly zombiefied guy with an attitude.

Soubi was no longer burning.

There was no mistaking it. The air felt light and free of smoke. The sound of crackling had been replaced with a silence that felt like cotton against his eardrums. The smell of burning fabric and acrid flesh was absent. And the pain was gone. The pulse-racingly hot, searing pain of fire ravaging his skin had disappeared completely, not even leaving the normal echoes of scars.

He opened his eyes. He was inside now. In a small, dim room, bare except for a few spartan pieces of dorm-room furniture. He let his eyes get used to the darkness after the bright flames. And then looked again. No, it was still the same room. Still unfamiliar, still definitely not where he had been a minute ago.

How had this happened? He had been dying, finally sinking away from the intolerable turmoil and into oblivion. And... now he was here. It hadn't been magic; it couldn't be a dream. Had he... somehow managed not to die? Or was this the afterlife he had heard spoken of, long ago?

No. That couldn't be. There was no way he could remain aware and conscious even after death. Please no.

Without realizing what he was doing, he lifted his body out of its kneeling position and strode to the door. He grasped the handle and left the room. There was a hall of identical doors in front of him, ending at a dead-end to his right and stretching away to his left. He turned left and began walking. He had no idea where he was going. He was not thinking about where he was. All he knew is that he had to get back to where he had been. Back to that feeling of sinking away. Down halls, up stairs, he was going to get back to where he needed to be.

t'pol, soubi agatsuma

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