Can we be saved? Has the damage all been done?

Dec 24, 2009 00:32

Who: Kahlan and Shinzon
What: Platinum shopping sprees are rad.
When: Sometime during port.
Where: New York City. Fifth Avenue. Why? Because.
Warnings: Ehh, who rally knows.

Shinzon had spent the majority of his life on a planet that perpetually faced away from the sun; the coldness this New York had to offer was nothing in comparison. Still, he kept the collar of his long jacket tight around his neck. It may have been surprising how few looks his attire attracted; but he'd seen people in the crowds around them dressed much more peculiarly.

The press of people forced him to walk closer to Kahlan than he would have liked. He was trying to make peace with what she'd done to him, but it was difficult - difficult verging on impossible. She had made him love, and ripped it away all within twenty-four hours. He wanted to hater her for it, because that was easiest. That was always easiest for him. But she could not change what she was, just as he could not fight what his life had made him. They were more similar than he'd imagined, and at the moment, he did not like that.

He hadn't said much to her since debarking. He hadn't said much since she'd convinced him to leave the Barge at all; Shinzon was having difficulty finding something to speak of, and the crush of silence, surrounded by the city's loud noises, eventually had him grasping for the nearest topic. So as they passed a clothing store, Shinzon paused to look at the display before glancing at Kahlan. "The Admiral gave you a stipend, didn't he?"

shinzon, kahlan amnell

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