Again, Paddy? Really?!

Dec 23, 2009 09:52

Who: Paddy and Uhura
When: Backdated to yesterday evening, after Paddy's two posts
Where: NYC, of course
What: Uhura attempting NOT to kill her inmate
Warnings: As usual...language. Reference to drug use.

After he had given her the slip, Uhura had spent most of her time looking for her inmate. But he was a slippery sort of fellow and she had a distinct feeling that he had found himself some transportation that she could not procure. So she had to walk, following the directions her item was giving her.

"I swear," she grumbled to herself, "that if you're not dead by the time I find you, I will kill you." Of course, there was no one to talk to. At least the people around her didn't seem to notice that she was talking to herself. Before she had lost her inmate, she had found herself some new clothes to help her blend in. They worked, for the most part, though there were some people who kept giving her strange looks.

That was the least of her worries now, though.

As she rounded a corner, her item began to go a little frantic and she looked up, muttering a curse at what she saw.

patrick maguire, nyota uhura

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