OPEN - Dining hall camp out

Sep 12, 2009 22:06

[The Dining hall looks more or less the same as it always does, only it's obvious that the evacuation is well under way. Inmates and wardens are spread through the room, some preparing defenses, others being somewhat less proactive, but all of them are gathered around the room. All waiting for news of what's happening, and how they're expected to fight it this time.

There are notable absences, those who've been taken all ready, and those off on rescue missions, and more evacuee's arriving from the rest of the barge with every minute that passes.]

[OOC: Open post! For anyone who wants to spam/log/whatever their characters as they're arriving in the dining hall, reuniting, freaking out, guarding the doors, sharing information about the enemy, and whatever else you chickadees want to get up too! For different events/groups, start a new thread of comments with the characters participating up in the subject bar!]

leonard mccoy, captain james t. kirk, angelica sexby/fanshawe, drusilla, alex krycek, major west, armand st. just, libby widmore, captain findthee swing, logan echolls, shego, pavel chekov, neil howie, spencer reid, dr. horrible, tommy beresford

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