
Mar 16, 2009 14:00

Who: Kurt, Bobby. [Open]
Where: The Inn, Snake Apple Village.
What: Angry Mob! Warden Business!
When: 1st Day of Port. Night. After this.

The Admiral really had an odd sense of humor for selecting this port. )

bobby bacala, kurt wagner/nightcrawler, port

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calzonewithlegs March 17 2009, 00:50:22 UTC
All in all, Bobby didn't much mind this place. The food was okay, the building was cozy, the people were nice (if kinda weird and reminded him of the Renaissance Festival or Shakespeare or something), and Madonn', talk about a bunch of rubes. He'd already managed to amass a hefty pile of gold just from gambling with all the farmers and shepherds here. One or two was even in debt with him, but he offered 'em a pretty nice deal. A week to pay him before he started taking 2 points. Bobby was in a generous mood and all, so he went easy on 'em.

He hoped all ports were gonna be like this.

Maybe if he kept things going, he could take the gold back to the Barge, pay to have some of the wardens in his pocket, maybe get 'em to help a few certain files disappear.

Then again, how much was gold coins worth on the Barge? Huh. He'd have to talk to Ralphie about this, see what the other man thought.

"--nay, sirrah, that was your mum in the barn!" one farmhand finished, directing the comment to his neighbor and eliciting a great roar of laughter from the other men.

Weird English aside, Bobby got the gist of the ball breaking, and he let out an "Oh!" and puffed on his pipe...

...and really missed the guys. This just wasn't the same. When the barmaid dropped down another tankard of ale, plus a loaf of bread and hunk of cheese, all Bobby could think about was dinner at Vesuvio's, nights in the Bing, Satriale's, cigars, a good stiff drink... Bobby gave her a "Thanks, hon'," but his heart wasn't really in it.

Another hour or so passed and it was well into the night, the other men either needing to head back to their wives, or bow out before they lost everything to gambling. And so, pocketing his gold in a pouch he'd procured from one of them, Bobby headed outside to see if there was any sign of Ralphie or Paulie, or even his warden. He'd managed to snag a room for 'em, and with his winnings, he could easily book another if he had to.


kurt_bamf March 17 2009, 01:15:29 UTC
Kurt arrived just as a large group were leaving, and had quickly ducked behind the building to avoid them. He remained there, crouched and in the shadows, only peeking out when he was certain he wouldn't be spotted. No sign of Bobby, so that must mean he would stay the night at the Inn. That was a relief. Kurt could easily climb the wall, sneak into the window, and--oh. Bobby was outside.

Now, how could he approach his inmate without seeming like a dark monster from the shadows? ... Very carefully.

"Doing well in this strange land, I hope?" Kurt asked with a smile as he casually strolled over to Bobby. He remained on the side of the building, out of the doorway's bright light, but would mostly still be visible. "I meant to get to you sooner, but certain... complications kept me away."


calzonewithlegs March 17 2009, 02:13:32 UTC
Bobby shrugged, reasoning that he really didn't have to tell his Warden about the gold he'd just earned through hours of gambling. Hey, it didn't hurt nobody (so long as he wouldn't have to make the collection rounds in a week... How long were they gonna be here again?), so the Warden didn't need to know. "Eh, can't complain. 'S a nice place here." He paused, trying to think. "Rustic."

He squinted his eyes a little, wondering why his Warden was sticking around in the dark. He moved a bit closer, and once his vision adjusted and took in Kurt's demonic appearance, he let out a "Holy shit!"

It was one thing to see his warden's face over the journals. It didn't seem so real then. Far as Bobby was concerned, Kurt was just a normal lookin' guy-- well, normal by like... Europe's standards. This? A major fuckin' shock.

"You almost gave me a fuckin' heart attack!" Then, after a beat, he muttered another "Holy shit," then looked at his Warden again.

"You, uh..." He scratched the back of his head. "Complications, huh?"


kurt_bamf March 17 2009, 02:40:09 UTC
Kurt wasn't aware of the gambling, but he had heard some jingling coins when Bobby first came out, and noticed the new... purse-sack thing at his belt. Nothing wrong with earning some money from a port. He had worked at the barbershop in the last one, after all.

He was about to agree with that description, when he noticed the other squinting, and moving closer. Oh, here it comes... Rather than be upset, he simply waited, leaning against the Inn's side with his tail curled near his ankles.

Bobby's reaction was as he expected.

"The villagers had a similar sentiment." Kurt said, quite amused. "For some reason, my teleportation doesn't work here, so I had an impromptu exercise course through the woods. On the upside, it was great for the adrenaline."


calzonewithlegs March 17 2009, 03:00:51 UTC
"Yeah, I can imagine," Bobby said warily, although he really couldn't, seeing as he wasn't a blue guy with a tail. "So, what now? We just wait at this place 'til everyone else shows up?"

This was, at least, what he sincerely hoped the plan would be. He didn't much like the idea of going out in the woods, considering the stories he'd heard and all. On a normal day on a normal planet? He'd love it. But here, he'd probably get turned into a frog or something. No thanks.


kurt_bamf March 17 2009, 03:12:59 UTC
Kurt sighed with disappointment. "I had hoped your first port would be more exciting than simply staying at an Inn, but this place seems like it would be dangerous for both of us to venture too much. I'm really not sure who else will be joining us here, though." He had been separated from his group due to the cliched angry mob after all. "But at least the place is great for socializing and fresh air?" Of course, he was ever the optimist.


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