(no subject)

Mar 16, 2009 14:00

Who: Kurt, Bobby. [Open]
Where: The Inn, Snake Apple Village.
What: Angry Mob! Warden Business!
When: 1st Day of Port. Night. After this.

Kurt had fully intended to meet Bobby at the Inn the same day of port. It was slow going with the groups, sure, but once they set foot off the Barge, things seemed to be going well. He assumed that, because his Inducer did not work, that meant he could peacefully go into port as himself.

Turns out he could not have been more wrong. One of the townsfolk spotted Kurt, and cries of 'demon!' could be heard soon thereafter. It seemed all too familiar, but Kurt was unaware that the now-scared villagers thought he had been summoned by a dark wizard. It amounted to the same thing of being hunted, though.

"Excuse me," he said to the group he had arrived with, and started to teleport away. Only then he realized that he couldn't. Oh, great. The Admiral really had an odd sense of humor for selecting this port.

Kurt spent the rest of that afternoon running, leaping, and otherwise using every acrobatic skill he had ever learned to flee. Hiding in the trees certainly helped. He ended up waiting there through the rest of the evening.

Now, to find his Inmate. Sneaking through the dark was far easier than getting around during the day. But how to get to his inmate? Going through the front door was obviously out of the question. He'd just have to search through windows like some criminal until he spotted him.

Kurt only hoped Bobby was off by himself, preferably in a room. If sleeping, the elf would not disturb him, only remain nearby.

bobby bacala, kurt wagner/nightcrawler, port

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