
Jul 26, 2009 01:17

Give me a person or pairing and I will write one sentence/paragraph of ten genres for them. The genres are:

1. Angst
2. AU
3. Crack!fic Plot
4. Crossover Future
5. First Time
6. Fluff
7. Humor
8. Hurt/Comfort
9. Smut
10. UST

meme taken from silentchord
Ok, so I will try my hardest to stick with one sentence, but that's probably not gonna happen:P
And I just had to look up UST, lol. It stands for 'unresolved sexual tension.'
I think I knew that at one point in time, lol.
Hm, this will be interesting seeing as I have no clue how to write that sort of thing, or smut for that matter:P
I need ~3,000 words left to completely my 6,000 word count goal at thedailywriter, so I'm hoping this will motivate me:)
It's almost been a year or so since I've finished "They Kiss Again," but suddenly rewatching bits and pieces from this just makes me SQUEE uncontrollably:D

The last episode makes the whole 40 something episodes of pure random Xiang Qin absurdities and Zhi Shu's beyond logical love for her SO worth it!! :D
Not that I minded both, because Xiang Qin really is too cute and needs to be protected *squishes*
Ariel Lin amazes me with her acting, especially since Xiang Qin seems so different from her actual self ^^

Zhi Shu has definitely grown to learn to show his emotions/love better, even though dealing with Xiang Qin can be a handful. Joe Cheng is just ;LAKSJFLDJF yumm, LOL, so yea. That explains it:P
No, I definitely loved the last episode because we went to all their most significant turning points in their relationship, Zhi Shu seemingly knowing exactly where she left off. But he is her home and their love is just so amazing!

Certain lines are simple when translated, but I love the way it's said in Mandarin, even when I still need the subs to full understand it.
I love the scene where he's at the school bridge and he screams, "Xiang Qin, ni kwai dian gei wo chu lai" (I think- Please just come out). He's like pleading, please just be there so I can find you and know you're safe *wibble*

I love that when she's in his office, she finds little trinkets and memorandums of their time together. It's like, he's kept these things all along. AW!

And he finally admits things, like, "I'm scared without you," and especially this: "you make up for my shortcomings," which is totally true in the most romantic, non-cheesy sort of way:)
He's all logic, cold and snark, while she is high spirited, fun, innocence, and love ♥

I know people who couldn't stand it. I remember I almost gave up after seeing the first episode, but I trudged on. Boy, am I glad:)
Of all the ridiculousness of the whole thing, I wouldn't have it any other way. Even with that darn house plaque with their names on it and the whole wall painted over with their wedding picture...that weeding picture itself.

The ending is adorable and leaves just enough room for fans to write millions of fanfics for the years following the drama.
Author-san, Tada Kaoru died before she could finish the manga, so we'll never know. But I'm still grateful for this awesome series:)
I watched "Itazura na Kiss" too, but it's just not the same, lol.
Finally, I would like to say that for the next singles for NEWS, Kanjani8, and KAT-TUN, I would like them to have PV's with ambiance and recording equipment in it :D
I want them to have pretty PVs too *pouts*

t actor: joe cheng, t drama: iswak/tka, writing, meme, dramas, shippery goodness, twdramas, fanfiction, je

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