2nd Spell [Accidental Video/Voice]

Aug 04, 2010 00:23

[The PCD is set in Merlin's lap, pointed away towards the ground, and while it's obvious that he's not meaning to broadcast anything in particular, he keeps playing at the buttons, switching various features on and trading between voice and video at odd times. He's talking in short, stuttered sentences, low and slightly under his breath.]

My name, really, what- at least I don't have to hide my magic here, not that I could anyway, but...

[A sigh. Video switches back on and in the very corner of the screen you can see one of his hands tracing old runes into the dirt: spelling things like "travel", "pulse" or maybe "energy", and "destiny" for those that can read old English.]

On the other hand, I've never been very good at being on my own.

[A few feet away, one of the bunnies that Rinoa had been warning Merlin about just a few days previous hops into view and then stops in front of Merlin, ears quivering in a very bunny sort of way.]

Oh! Hello there.

[Against all better judgment, his hand slowly extends towards the rabbit, because something so terribly fluffy couldn't possibly be as bad as she made them out to be, now could it? The bunny hops an inch closer, sniffing curiously at his fingers... and then the video switches to voice.]


[A very soft, very muted Thud can be heard seconds after his pained yelp.]

a softy for the softies, most people just call me idiot, codependent like woah, doesn't do what it says on the tin

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