awake from nightmares

Oct 28, 2006 17:06

ok so its 1 in the after noon i know wake up well i had a long nightmare again as allwase runing in fear of my life from who olther then my ass hole dad but my gramma yelles my name who is on the phone um my stalker
i live on the net im nice but hmm anyone know caller block? hmm im nice hes pissing me off lately some 2o something yearold im like im tired what do you want i just woke up hes like no everyone else is busy i want some one to talk to like RUDE i know its 1 i dont feel like talking and to some crepp that keeps saying he wants to fuck me or me to fuck him and says he loves me STUPIED WHY was i nice and gave hm my numbers grrrrrr
i find each day the bitch in me is comeing out more and more im more tired then i thought trying ot read all that intrests me trying to absorb all the information i need to and want to grrr i came home yesterdat eat passed out then read ,chated then wacthed chucky hmm i may fall back asleep with my mood i guess not
well time to rise and shine
bloody awaken into this mind
thoughts so tired im loseing my mind into the sleep over overs me like a cloud of covers so
seeking something i shall find when?
into the thoughts lost in the time to be lost apon the skip of a beat
like my heart a curse and blesseing to be
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