Kaito 13 - private star systems [Video]

Dec 04, 2009 20:18

[The PCD switches on as it falls from Kaito's pocket to the bedside table, revealing him tossing an unconscious Hakuba onto his bed, Watson fluttering moodily at the head of the bed. Kaito disappears from view for a few minutes, down near the foot of the bed. When he does reappear he's has lengths of brightly colored magician's scarves looped around his hands.]

I did warn you Kuba.

[Quite competently, he sets to tying Hakuba to the bed; it's very obvious he's done something similar before, tying the knots loose enough that they won't rub or create welts but firm enough that Hakuba won't be able to weasel out of them. Silently, he finishes his job, reaching out to run a soothing finger over Watson's fur with one hand and stroke Daw's - his new baby Wind Serpent - snout (whipping his fingers away just in time to avoid being nipped at by the latter).]

I bet both you girls are hungry, huh? Why don't I--

[The video feed ends.]

((OOC: Hakuba-mun made me do it D:))

is actually a great big softie, not as gei as they look rly, no one gets hurt damnit, kuroba kaito, thief worried about his detective

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