I've been having trouble coming up with appropriate costumes for AvCon in a few weeks. My choices are somewhat limited, firstly due to it being an Anime and Video Game convention, and secondly, due to it being the middle of winter and thus, freezing!
I don't watch a lot of Anime, the only anime costume on my list is Sailor Mars (at some point). I really should start watching more anime, but hell, I have so many costumes on my list already, I'd only be adding more :P As for Video games, well the two main game costumes I want to do are BloodRayne and a Templar from Hellgate. Obviously there's no time to do Hellgate, and it would be way too cold for BloodRayne, even if I did have to time to put it together. Saturday is lolita day, but I don't really have anything warm for lolita. I own a grand total of 2 cardigans. Literally! So that doesn't really work either :( Poo!
So I have a tentative plan. I'm thinking of finishing my Aurora costume that I started last year, to wear on the Saturday. The corset is almost finished. The skirt needs the pointy part (I need to get fabric for that to match the sleeves), the godets, zip, waistband and hem. I used all the fabric I'd originally bought for the petticoat, so I need to buy some more of that and some white netting. But it shouldn't take too much time as I'm using my favourite skirt pattern (Simplicity 5006, which coincidently I've used for the bodice AND as a base for the skirt) as the base. Then there's the sleeves and shoulder bits, which will be attached to the corset. It might seem like a lot, but I don't think it will take more than a few days to do. Oh and the tiara! Almost forgot! I'm going to use the same metallic film that I used for my Wonder Woman armour, just need to find a suitable base material. And I also have my pretty pink cloak to wear with it when I'm cold.
I know it's not strictly anime, but Aurora is animated, plus she appears in Kingdom Hearts (albeit the blue version). And I've seen quite a few American cosplayers wearing Disney to Anime cons in the States. So Nyah :P Hopefully I won't meet too much hostility for being non-anime/game.
As for Sunday, there's a group of us planning to wear Steampunk. Which I was initially excited about, except that both of the outfits I've worn as 'Steampunk' are really just Victorian. I had a few ideas for Steampunk outfits, but I think they're all a bit too elaborate for me to get done in time as most involve leather bits and pieces.... So inspired by
mandy_maria's AMAZING March Hare Steampunk outfit (I'm trying to convince her to wear it to AvCon :P) AND the fact that my Aurora wig also works PERFECTLY for Alice, I'm thinking of putting together a Steampunk Alice costume. I've been mulling the idea over in my head since talking to Mandy at the ACG meeting last night, and I think I have some kick arse ideas for it! Nothing TOOO elaborate, since I don't have much time, but I think it's doable. I'm thinking of going with one of my favourite colour combinations: Duck Egg blue and Chocolate Brown :D Yum! I'm going to try and get some sketches done today, so we'll see how it goes! :D
Also, on the subject of Steampunk, I found the most
DELICIOUS boots EVER! If I had the spare cash lying around I would totally buy them! But alas, they are way out of my budget. But I'll be keeping my eye out for sales ;) In the meantime, I'll make do with the
Equally AWESOME boots Matt bought me before he went back to Melbourne. Except mine are brown, not black. How cool are they? They actually come up to my knees, and have those awesome pockets on the side! Very handy! They're my replacement Jedi boots, since I discovered mine have holes in their soles. I'd been on the lookout for a replacement pair of flatish brown boots, and just fell in love with these! Do I have the most awesome boyfriend or what? :P