Me too! It's been so hard not to burst out and tell everyone I'm coming, especially with the wig drama and my racing to finish costumes! I'm just hoping no one is at all suspicious!! But it's going to be such a great surprise for everyone, and I'm really looking forward to it!
I think at this stage the hardest part will be getting back to the hotel after spending the day in the city. I'm pretty sure we can avoid the Queen Street Mall whilst the mini Brisnova is going on, and if Alison and Dave want to watch, I can either wait in another street, or just blend into the crowd! The main person to avoid in The MAnor is Bek, as she's staying there. I'm not sure yet whether she's going to the mini nova, and if she is, what time she'll be getting back. So I might need someone to distract her while I sneak into our room. Then I'm happy to stay in our room until it's time to go out, as I'll need to do my hair (which may involve my curling iron!) and makeup anyway. As I'll be wearing WW, I'm thinking if I make the cape, I'll try and put a hood in it. Mostly because I just love hoods, but it will definitely come in handy for sneaking around and hiding my face :D
I'm still tossing up whether or not to dye my hair though. I have this amazing image of WW form my comics where she is palest white and has the blue black hair. I absolutely love that image, and that's what I'm going for. But I am also paranoid that I'll end up drawing too much attention to my palour, which will make me look like a goth WW! So I'm just not sure yet! But I am hoping that my Keller wig arrives in time, as it's a light brown with blonde highlights, so no one will be expecting that!
I'm so excited!! It's so close!! ARGH! Costumes to finish!! :P
At Ancient Tales, someone said it was a shame you wern't coming. I agreed and had this thought of'Hee hee hee!!! That's what you think!!!! And I don't have a great poker face and it feels like I am going to burst!!!!!
I think at this stage the hardest part will be getting back to the hotel after spending the day in the city. I'm pretty sure we can avoid the Queen Street Mall whilst the mini Brisnova is going on, and if Alison and Dave want to watch, I can either wait in another street, or just blend into the crowd! The main person to avoid in The MAnor is Bek, as she's staying there. I'm not sure yet whether she's going to the mini nova, and if she is, what time she'll be getting back. So I might need someone to distract her while I sneak into our room. Then I'm happy to stay in our room until it's time to go out, as I'll need to do my hair (which may involve my curling iron!) and makeup anyway. As I'll be wearing WW, I'm thinking if I make the cape, I'll try and put a hood in it. Mostly because I just love hoods, but it will definitely come in handy for sneaking around and hiding my face :D
I'm still tossing up whether or not to dye my hair though. I have this amazing image of WW form my comics where she is palest white and has the blue black hair. I absolutely love that image, and that's what I'm going for. But I am also paranoid that I'll end up drawing too much attention to my palour, which will make me look like a goth WW! So I'm just not sure yet! But I am hoping that my Keller wig arrives in time, as it's a light brown with blonde highlights, so no one will be expecting that!
I'm so excited!! It's so close!! ARGH! Costumes to finish!! :P
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