Oh, good grief...

Sep 04, 2007 10:41

Just as I thought things were getting settled around here, THIS happens.

All the truth-or-dare stuff last week was really starting to open people up, and I had high hopes for thi week's wandless challenge; let the Muggle-philes show what they can do. But now that Skeeter bitch has stirred it all up with with that Veritaserum stunt. She's going to pay for that, of course.

As for Montague, well, I should have expected that truth would out. Daphne (and, to lesser extent, Pansy) have showed that there's more to them than just Slytherin arrogance, but hearing Kevin make those comments about Harry and Neville... It was right back to Draco's cowardly sniping, all through school. All those times I just wanted to beat the tar out of him.

Well, times have changed. And Momma Weasley's youngest doesn't take that sort of crap any more. I hope, for his sake, that Neville's OK.
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