We completed our celebration of both Christmas and Easter today. To satisfy the need to finish up with Christmas (I hadn't seen Jim & Donna since Thanksgiving and we still had a Christmas present to deliver to them) and also because I miss Easter Egg hunts, we crashed the Modesto Ransom Easter celebration today.
Donna cooked ham and made a yummy potato salad. Kateri made deviled eggs, using Grammy Shirley's recipe! We brought asparagus, olives, and a dark chocolate cake. Ben & Jim visited Ben's plane in Jim's hanger with Jack & Anna while the Easter Bunny left some goodies in their backyard. We had a fun day!
I've been crazy busy at work lately, with lots of time spent writing job descriptions, conducting interviews, and other assorted tasks associated with staffing up our new Ag Sustainability Institute. It has been intense, but also kinda fun to be part of a high-energy work climate.
My mom visited for a little over a week earlier this month, which included a quick trip up to Ashland. It was fun to be there together.
Wednesday night I listened to Obama's whole speech on-line:
http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/hisownwords I’m now truly inspired and encouraging everyone to actually listen to or read the speech. It was WAY MORE satisfying than any other campaign speech I’ve listened to (including Obama's) during this campaign season. I hope hope hope that he's our next president.
In the last month I've seen 2 Oscar nominated movies that I enjoyed and highly recommend: Michael Clayton and Atonement.
Lastly, one of our new favorite quickie meals is to use a Costco roasted chicken for a Chinese chicken salad, throwing in whatever veggies I want in addition to lettuce, roasted cashews and the appropriate salad dressing.
Happy Spring!