or am I alone in this hall of dreams?

Jun 24, 2010 20:37

Transportation has been a bit rubbish this week.

Having ridden Metra yesterday, I am not entirely sure I want that to be my daily commute. I probably ought to cut them some slack, seeing as, you know, we had tornado watches and severe thunderstorm warnings in all possible directions, but really. They stopped the train between stations (and did not tell us they were planning on, er, stopping for nearly an hour at the last station they DID stop at), so I was stuck on a train (on which there was nowhere to sit that wasn't already occupied) for almost an hour.

I was within 2 miles of my destination. Rain or no rain, I would have fucking well walked. I've got two feet and I had comfortable shoes and an umbrella.


On the bright side, I got to have dinner with rabbitbenrin and his brother, and got to see the paladin a bit.

This morning there was a woman painting her nails on the L. The entire car reeked of acetone. It's a minor miracle I didn't wind up with a migraine. Gah.

On a brighter, if odder, note, on the way home today, my train was going round the Loop (as it does) and there were workmen in the southeast corner of the Loop putting together what appeared to be a giant fucking eyeball. Like, diameter-equal-to-the-height-of-three-average-men giant. Some flailing on Twitter and Facebook later, I have been informed that it is apparently to do with some manner of art installation or contest or somesuch.

Still. Giant freaking eyeballs are not the sort of thing one typically expects to encounter in downtown Chicago, which last I checked was not the set of a remake of The Crawling Eye. (Don't watch that movie, y'all, it's awful. Which is why I encountered it at B-Fest.)

In other news, I am horrifically behind on
kinked and
hardmode stories. I am also some 32,000 words behind on getyourwordsout. These two things are related--to my laziness, if naught else.

However! I am having a writing marathon with
seventhe on Saturday night via this Interwebnets thing that I hear the cool kids use, and I am working on
hardmode tonight. 2000 words or bust, self.

Unrelatedly, I was so sulky this morning that I wound up needing to distract myself, and importuned
celeloriel to brainstorm with me. We grew a plot and an antagonist (and some deeply horrifying "wait no help that's awful" reasons for both), and brainstormed some worldybits, and she wrote me delicious worldbuilding mythbits. All of this is relevant to this year's NaNoWriMo, which I am very excited about and impatient to begin.

Alright, enough time-wasting on DW/LJ; it is time to nom on cold udon noodles some more, and wring another 1700 words out of the depths of my brain, and possibly I should also feed the cats. They would probably like that.

special tag combination: lol whut?, original fiction, writing process, chicago

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