ooops, that was another week gone by

Mar 07, 2010 22:31

Heh. I keep forgetting to update. (My reading has also fallen to an every-other-day sort of thing. This is not exactly ideal.)

DCP is over for the quarter, and even though I'm enjoying it (mostly) I'm also really grateful, because I want my Saturdays back. ffff. (Although I maintain that the funniest thing so far this year is the middle-aged Knight Hospitallier in plate mail with a giant sword hiding behind the tiny eighteen-year-old nun. This phenomenon makes more sense when you realize the nun was wielding Sovereignty [Majesty for you OWoD sorts.])

I am kicking off my Solars Exalted game tomorrow. I know what Episode 1 is. This...doesn't mean I have it written. Er. Oops.

oh, and and and! MY COMPUTER WORKS AGAIN.

So Dragon Age had been working progressively less well*--last Sunday it basically shit a brick at me and decided that it was going to hang/crash after less than 15 minutes of DA:O. This was not acceptable. So Wednesday Mike came by, yanked off the case, and investigated.

It seems that Taliesin had been ailing a bit--the fan on my graphics card AND the fan in the power supply decided to fuck off simultaneously. Mike poked at it and said he would hack around at it on Friday, which was his day off. I sulked a lot (although it did get me back to playing Muramasa, since that's an easy game to pick up and put down, and I didn't want to start anything too involved with FF13 right around the corner.) I admit I was totally in a right snit about the computer, because I had wanted to try to finish DA before FF13 came out, but no such luck.

So I get home from work on Friday and Mike informs me he has fixed things. (He cannibalized his old power supply for a fan. Then he took his old graphics card, which had died but still had a working fan, and cannibalized that to fix the fan on MY graphics card. ENGINEERS. Dating them is awesome.) We mostly amused ourselves elsewise on Friday, and yesterday was chores day (God I hate pulling apart the stove to scrub everything. hate it so much) and Dead City. But today--ah, today was Dragon Age day.

I turned it on at about 1pm. I took about an hour to hour-fifteen break to have dinner and snugglins, and otherwise pretty much played straight through until 10.

My computer didn't crash once!


So about that plot... So, Oghren. I got to hear him hitting on Wynne. I couldn't even. WHAT. WHY IS EVERYONE BUT ALISTAIR HITTING ON WYNNE. Granted she is pretty awesome and funny but WHAT.

Also Wynne was snarking at Alistair about where babies come from, and I nearly died.

I was vaguely surprised that Morrigan got her panties in such a knot over my destroying the Anvil of the Void, but in retrospect I guess I'm not THAT surprised. Which is a long way of saying I sided with Caridin. Because Branka is batshit fuckcrazy, and I am playing the paladin this time. Although I totally picked the wrong king--Bhelen, WTF. DOUCHEBAG.

I also went and picked up Shale from the village. The guide claimed I could lie to the desire demon and then kill it without killing Amalia, but that seemed to be dramatically untrue. So I had to kill the little girl, and Wynne was pissed at me, but seriously, what are my options? fffff.

So now I'm off to the Brecilian Forest, to see some Elves. I'll probably play the game one more time, just to get the "o hai I'm an asshole" set of plot quest achievements, but I can already see that I will not remotely have the patience to complete all of the "get X talent tree with the main character" achievements. I'd be a lot happier if those were set to "any character." But, c'est la vie.

First, though, Shale's quest in Orzammar so I can leave that fucking city behind. And then some loose ends in Denerim. And then the Forest.

*SO LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW SHITTY EA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE IS. I wrote them an e-mail through the site. I specified my problem (computer hangs and crashes completely, requiring a hard reset; no crash to desktop) and my specs (which exceed minimums and hit recommended in almost all cases except the processor.) I was very detailed. I get an e-mail back that starts out with "First be sure your system meets the minimum specs."


Suggestions include fixing my direct X and making sure all background programs have been shut down. I roll my eyes. I try. DOESN'T WORK. I e-mail them back.

They tell me to take a fucking screenshot.

HELLO. Are you reading this AT ALL. When all input cuts and the computer completely freezes, I CANNOT TAKE A SCREENSHOT.

I sent them back a bitchy response, which they haven't answered yet (I sent it to them on Wednesday morning). BRILLIANT. They just sent me a nice little survey, which I have filled out very negatively. I mean, I don't blame the customer service monkey for not knowing my fan was dead, but if zie can't even fucking read the question I sent and can only be bothered to copy-paste barely relevant information--not to mention can't be bothered to actually answer when I send back the info they asked for--well, fuck that noise.

meglet smash!, victory theme!, video games own my soul, computer, dragon age

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