sdlfkjlsadf this game. THIS GAME.

Jan 31, 2010 21:54


I am at least managing to get several hours' worth of play in (5 hours yesterday before I quit of my own accord, 1.5 today before my computer went BLORG) so that was awesome. Also I wish that the fucking DLC would install properly. WAY TO DO IT WRONG, GUYS.

But anyway.

So, ALISTAIR. oh my God. So cute and flaily and impossible and all innocent and adorable and stuff. I pretty much squeaked and flailed my hands around frantically the whole time I was talking to him. aaaaaaaaaah so cuuuuuuute omg Alistair. *flails forever* I then felt pretty bad about turning down Leilana and Zevran, but. There will be other playthroughs for that.


*flails and squeaks more* With the rose. And the "you remembered my mother's amulet!" and omg omg omg omg omg.

(This is pretty much what I was doing for an entire half-hour of interacting with Alistair. The cats thought I was quite mad.)

So I'm winding up sidequests on my way to Denerim to pursue the rest of that quest, and I continue to squeak gleefully. I cannot wait to see the other romance sideplots.




And in other news we finished Assassin's Creed 2 last night and played the Battle of Forli this morning and aaaahhhhhhh Caterina Sforza WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME oh my God.

omg squee, assassin's creed, dragon age

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