apparently THIS is what I do when I am frustrated

Feb 01, 2010 22:28

My head is spinning around in circles with things I don't exactly want to unpack right now so apparently my coping mechanism is to write smut.

I think I'm entirely okay with this.

So here, beneath the cut, have a snippet of Kaim/Sarah from Lost Odyssey, bondage kink, currently hovering somewhere around PG-13 mostly because I haven't gotten to naming body parts yet, but still not really worksafe. No spoilers. For the record,
freezingrayne is completely responsible for this. Image bunnied like hello.

Kaim lay quietly on their bed, his pale blue eyes intent on her face. Even now, when he was at ease, the muscles in his arms and chest were prominent. Sarah stroked a fingertip over the ropes at his wrist and drew it down the inside of his forearm, her skin barely brushing his. His muscles flexed beneath his skin and he drew a sharp breath, but he didn't attempt to move toward her or away from her. As strong as he was, her ropes were little more than a slight deterrent, but he didn't try to break them.

"Now that you have me," he said, and his voice had that rough edge that sent little thrills racing through her, "what are you going to do with me?"

Sarah brushed her fingers down his arm, keeping her eyes locked on his. "Does it matter?" She didn't know where this new boldness came from-perhaps she had spent too much time reading those Numaran romances Ming had sent-but from the way his eyes dilated, it wasn't a bad thing. "You are-hardly in a position to argue."

She stumbled a little over the provocative comment, feeling for a moment helplessly trapped in a bad script of her own making, but Kaim drew a sharp breath and his body visibly responded. "It would seem not," he said.

lost odyssey, excerpt, writing: fanfic

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