Best way to spend a long lovely weekend.

Sep 07, 2009 17:38


It's been a good few days.

Party on Saturday was awesome; I got to see a lot of awesome people, including stephen_poon whom I have not seen at all since ACen and not in any kind of reasonably social capacity since last year's birthday party. He brought two friends who turned out to be a lot of fun, and there were a bunch of other folks around. wrenbow gave me the first edition of Changeling: the Dreaming, with the net result that I now own all 3 editions of Changeling. :D There was much laughter, and delicious cake, and good times all round. I was more drunk than I think I have been in years, which was fine as I had nowhere I needed to drive. Someone--I cannot presently remember who, but this person is AWESOME--brought mango liqueur. MANGOES. in my DRINK. Trufax: delicious when mixed with vodka and pineapple juice!

pirateyeti had brought some hard cider under the name Original Sin, which cracks me up, and also pineapple vodka (mmmmm). Also fabulous.

So yeah, Saturday night was awesome. After the party, Mike and I sort of accidentally stayed up until 5 am talking about God only knows what. I know that at some point it devolved into political discussions, as such things often do with us. :D

Yesterday was pretty much a lazy day--I slept on and off until my cell phone started blaring to remind me I needed to take my pills, which is set every day at 12:30. We got up and sort of bumbled about for a while, and Mike started playing more of Super Mario Galaxy (having spent the early part of the day finishing off The Legend of Zelda on GBA.) He can go clear it anytime now, but he's picking up extra stars. I finally buckled down and finished grinding for money in my Final Fantasy IV DS replay which let me go finish off the Lodestone Cavern and the Tower of Zot. I've also started playing Final Fantasy IV: the After Years, and I have this to say: 1) Even if I hadn't been spoiled for it, I would've figured out the Hooded Man thing as soon as I looked at the equipment screen. 2) Ceodore sounds more like Kain Jr. than Cecil/Rosa Jr. shut up you whiny little twit. 3) I am intrigued by this Mysterious Girl. 4) No, 17 years later, I STILL am not fond of Cecil and Rosa.

I picked up Muramasa: the Demon Blade on my birthday, which I've yet to give a spin, but I'm looking forward to it. I also started working on Suikoden again today, and cleared the whole Dwarven quest and am now grinding for money and levels to make my weapons more awesome so I can sharpen the fishermens' tridents (in order to defeat the pirates.) I have no idea how many Stars I have right now, but the bitchy guy on Garan Fortress Bridge says I need 35 more to get him to join me, so however many that is. Doofus McDohl is level 31, and I'm probably going to throw the brothers out of my party for long enough to grab anybody else not currently level 30 and rapid-grind them there.

(p.s. I am annoyed that my own recruits won't sharpen my weapons for cheaper. This is UNCOOL, game!)

Blah blah gaming blah. Now off to get in 10 minutes of Dissidia to count for the day's play count, and then off to Exalted! Shiny, shiny, shiny Exalted!

final fantasy iv the after years, suikoden, video games own my soul, final fantasy iv, final fantasy dissidia, super mario galaxy

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