That GenCon report, and also stuffs.

Aug 20, 2009 00:12

So far today:

Applied to 4 jobs
Advanced more in Persona 3 replay
Wrote 650 words not counting cover letters nor this entry
Read 12 fics out of the backlog plus the latest installment of PDM
Designed antagonists for tomorrow's Scion oneshot
Still fail at focus


More of the Japanese folktales book
Then bed

but first, ( how about that GenCon report? )

would you like cheese with that, gencon

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Comments 5

adamjury August 20 2009, 15:30:16 UTC
Regarding demos -- I'm always hesitant to draw a conclusion on a game based on a demo, especially a short one. There are just too many factors that skew it differently from a normal game --undertrained demoer, very tired demoer, players not yet understanding the game and just throwing stuff down, demoers trying to rig the game so the players can win and do cool stuff, etc.


lassarina August 20 2009, 15:42:19 UTC
*nods* that's fair. A lot of what we demoed was stuff that Mike was more interested in than I, or stuff where we were like "we need stuff to do, let's demo something!" I did have a lot of fun with the Game of Thrones demo, at least. :)


drakonlily August 20 2009, 23:01:13 UTC
You know, I'd love to tabletop one of these days. Or LARP. I can't find enough non scary people to do it!


lassarina August 20 2009, 23:52:56 UTC
CAN BE DONE. in fact if you have a webcam I may be running via internets at some point.


drakonlily August 20 2009, 23:56:59 UTC
but that means I'll have to not look like a troll...


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