(Hat tip to
synthclarion, who shared via Twitter.)
So, EA encourages you to sexually harass and grope their booth babes at ComicCon. Even better, if you do it the most obnoxiously, then you get to go out for "a SINful" evening with two hot women as a reward!
Someone please whack some sense into whatever marketing asshole thought this one up.
I have so many issues with this I'm having difficulty deciding in what order I want to address them in a screaming hissy fit, so I'll start here:
I really like that not only is EA encouraging people to be douchebags to these women (and I wonder if these women were told, ahead of time, that this year ComicCon involves not only being ogled repeatedly but also being subjected to the wandering hands of strangers? Did they just hire prostitutes for this one?), but they are also implying that whoever is the biggest rectal haberdasher in committing "acts of lust" gets REWARDED by going out to dinner in a limo with two booth babes - and the implication is that the reward includes sex, based on the phrase "SINful evening."
Yes. Please invade this woman's personal space and do things that should quite rightly get your face slapped into next week, and we will REWARD this obscene behaviour. We'll encourage it! Please take pictures to show the ENTIRE Internet just how much of an asshole you are! GREAT IDEA.
The thing I like best about this--and by "like best" I mean "Let me introduce you jerkwads to Mr. Clue-By-Four"--is that, if you read the comments to that article, there seem to mostly be three kinds: 1) "I don't see the problem." 2) "This is problematic and I do not approve, and will vote with my wallet." 3) "You're just being oversensitive, silly female/silly Internet White Knight, you don't know what you're talking about! This is TOTALLY LEGITIMATE AND AWESOME."
#2 gets my vote, and Internet cookies, and a pile of hearts too, for being AWESOME.
And you know, there's a really funny thing about all of this. I know a lot of geek guys, okay? As a general rule, they do not have to resort to public groping on women being paid to stand there and take the abuse to get dates with attractive women.
I can't even come up with anything else to say about this that isn't ten pages of frothing, over-italicized capslocking rage, so instead: Fail, EA. A huge pile of FAIL. I almost wish I had purchased EA products in the past, so I could STOP buying them, but ah well. I will settle for the knowledge that they have now confirmed they will get no money from me.
EDIT: For those who might like to bitch out the marketing team that thought this was a good idea, try
this post on Shakesville and use your browser's "Find" function to grab the comment by "jessicalprice"> - she's done the work to dig up the appropriate contact information!