FFEX: 5 scenes out of 8/7000 words out of ????
Sev's Edge/Rydia from prompt post a million years ago: Almost done! (omg I'm sorry I'm so slow)
CGS review: Done
40-page chapter in book of learning stuffs: almost done! 5 pp. to go I FORGOT HOW LONG IT TAKES TO READ ACADEMIC WRITING OMG KILL ME NOW.
And! Fics! Here, have shinies:
Final Fantasy XII Original Game only, Balthier/Ashe, rated G. Minor spoilers (post Shiva.) "Value isn't only in metal and gems." 679 words.
Dreamwidth |
LiveJournal "Reflection"
Final Fantasy VI, Celes, rated G. Minor spoilers (up to the Opera). "She has become someone else, by dint of a mere costume change." 100 words.
Dreamwidth |
LiveJournal Now: Finishing the damn chapter, and by then MIke wil probably be here, and then there can maybe be Chipotles? And possibly Babylon 5. And maybe Super Mario Galaxy. Or something else fun. :D