
Jun 21, 2009 16:42

Now all of the drabble requests (drabble, HA HA HA says my brain) except Sev's are done, and hers is pushing 3K at the moment so God knows when that'll be settled. IN THE MEANTIME. Fic!

Final Fantasy VI

"A Stunning Combination," Setzer/Daryl, rated PG-13. Spoilers for Setzer's backstory. Daryl has unique tastes when it comes to decorating. 100 words. For
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"Fade," Locke/Celes, rated G. All her life magic had been a force within her, chained and counterbalanced. 1200 words. For
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Final Fantasy X

"A Summoner's Faith," Chapter Three: Trial. Yuna, rated G. Five scenes from a summoner's training. Yuna faces the trial of Besaid Temple. 1700 words this chapter. Links to previous chapters are provided.
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"Then Be Not Coy," Auron/Lulu, rated PG. Morning always comes. 900 words. For
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Final Fantasy IX/Final Fantasy XII Crossover

"Appropriate Casting Decisions," Balthier/Ashe/Garnet, rated PG. Balthier approves of the casting of this scene. 100 words. For
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Persona 3

"Reunion," Akihiko/Mitsuru, rated G. Ending spoilers; loose sequel to Farewell. Their reunion is unexpected, and the sweeter for it. 1250 words. For
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And now, I am off to Exalted.

final fantasy x, final fantasy vi, final fantasy ix, persona 3, fic pointers, final fantasy xii

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