Epic awesome day!

Dec 22, 2008 02:13

So I spent the day today with Chris M, whom I have not seen in person since he left NU four and a half years ago, and it was really awesome. We hung out, played Persona 4, talked about video games and anime and tabletop gaming, and generally had a great time. He showed me Episoe 0 of X/1999 which I totally sat and said "Oh, that's Kamui, and that's Kotori, and that's Subaru, and there's Seishirou, and OMG EPIC MAKES MORE SENSE NOW." XD XD XD Also: has reaffirmed my intention of drop-kicking Kakyou onto a bed of spikes. Very sharp and spiky spikes.

Persona 4 was also awesome; spoilers through 9/10 follow.


I had somehow missed that spoiler, but Chris told me yesterday, and I was basically crying with laughter the entire time. We get to Gekkoukan, and before Chihiro even steps forward I'm like "oh hey that's Chihiro!" and halfway through her speech, I turn to Chris and go "She's so very channelling Mitsuru" and then I died of giggles when she referenced Mitsuru in talking to you later.

As they were headed to the hotel, I was squeaking with general glee and I said "are they going to the dorm?" and Chris goes "no, to the one place that could possibly be better" and I was like "Oh, my God, they AREN'T going to the Love Hotel!" and he said "damn straight they are!" and then I nearly fell off the couch laughing. It was SO AWESOME.

My S.Links are getting pretty awesomely impressive; I have Magician at 8, Priestess 5, Empress 5, Emperor 6, Hierophant 7, Lovers 4, Chariot 7, Justice 5 (need more expression argh!), Strength 5, Hanged Man 1, Death 8, Temperance 6, Devil 7, Star 4, Moon 1, Sun 8. I need more Understanding to get Tower, and it's not late enough to get Fortune, but man the gap between 4 and 5 seems SO LONG. Must eat more beef. MOAR BEEF. All 5 of my stats are at 4. Rockin' it out.

Okay, it's way too late and I am a sleepy cat. Time for sleepins.

good times, persona 4

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