victory. at last.

Jul 26, 2008 16:23

My desk is clean. (it's even been dusted.) I threw out 2.5 garbage bags worth of stuff, mostly junk mail that I had to shred. I started to go through my cooking magazines and see which ones I could throw out, except that i quickly realized I'd just be wasting my time. Above and beyond my normal pack-rat tendencies, there are enough tasty recipes that I can't even just copy/cut them out and throw the rest away. At least not without it being a Big Old Project the which I am just not prepared to tackle right now.

Phase One of Project: Get Ready to Move is complete. This took me approximately six hours. Granted, I was very distracted during the process, but auuuuuugh.

I am off to reward myself wtih some Persona 3. Meanwhile, I need to decide what to tackle next. I think that starting to pack things will actually help with that, because it will give me a better idea of what I can and can't do.

Does anyone know if there is a way to recycle compact discs? I have a whole bunch that I do not need anymore (mostly episodes of Buffy from way back in the day before I owned all the boxsets) and while I don't just want to throw them away, I don't need them taking up space in my CD racks either.

random: thankfully, although the claim did not show in the system nor the charge on my card, my prescription request went through in mail-order and I have it now. Panic attack averted.

more random: wow, weddings falling fast and thick 'round here. *boggle* I mean, I knew that, it's just that now they all have dates, and stuff.

Speaking of moving, Comcast is infuriating me and I don't even have service yet. They say that they don't have my building/apartment in their system, can I please give them the management company's phone number? Sure thing. I do. They call me back and say that the post office informs them that my building is only 2 stories (funny, since I've BEEN on the third floor and my apartment will be there.) Now, they haven't called the management company, but I have to bring my signed lease to one of their retail locations if I want service.

Shenanigans, sirs, and bullshit.

I'm going to call back on Monday, hope I get a more intelligent representative, and if that fails, work my way up the chain of supervisors until I get what I want. Their job is to get my business and make me, the customer, happy, so they better damn well do their jobs.

Also, AT&T wanted my social security number to run a fucking credit check to give me phone service. For a $10/month line. fuck that, guys, seriously, what the shit is wrong with you? this is why identity theft is so rampant: because companies who have no right to that information want to run credit checks - thereby pinging and lowering my credit, thanks FICO, you're such bullshit - before giving me a phone line. At $10/month. What the shit is this?

This moving thing is going to be way more hassle than I want it to be. I also am going to have to go to U-Haul in person because apparently if I reserve on their website they won't guarantee me a moving truck but I'll get a $50 deposit back if they can't provide! ....Yeah. No. Shenanigans. I call bullshit.

things I know I have to pack:
*books (~15 boxes? It was around a dozen last time, so maybe closer to 20.)
*games/cds/dvds (~2-3 boxes depenidng on box size)
*clothes (many suitcases)
*Kitchen (reduced by my not having to take the plates/bowls etc) but still ~5 boxes
*Christmas stuff (already in boxes, praise the gods and my mother's organized soul)
*electronics (original boxes mostly downstairs; debating if I'm even going to bother with them: bulk/weight vs. protection)
*bathroom/bedroom miscellanea and linens: one box for shoes, I'll put linens in a suitcase (there isn't much in the way of those), two boxes for toiletries sounds about right
*Need a DVD case of some kind
*Do I need another bookshelf? Mine are pretty full right now.
*Must sort through stuff-in-basement and figure out what I can throw out or sell or donate.
*Need frames for posters (i iz a grownup now!) and photographs
*Shoe storage - I do not think my current rack will work wtih new closet, so something else will be needed
*Wash chair slipcover
*Wash cushions for kitchen chairs
*Decide, for realz, if I am going to keep or ditch the table/chairs set
*Buy shiny TV/stand
*Must remember to take wrought-iron rack and shelf
*Alternate shelving options for "random nerd stuff" - current arrangement is inefficient
*Desk: two boxes, not including electronics.
*Take coins to coinstar and turn them into Real Moneys
*Back up computer. Seriously. All data must be backed up prior to move. This includes music. Yes, i know it's a pain in the ass. Do it anyway cause I'm paranoid.
*Once in possession of keys (Tuesday?), measure windows for window treatments
*New bedspread. Old one is old and not my style. If I am going to have pretty new apartment, then pretty new apartment is going to look as much like I want it to as possible from the get-go.
*Where is Large Stuffed White Tiger going to live? Tempted to put him on guard in the living room. Alternately, send him home with Mom to guard my bed.
*re-calculate arrangement of living room, placement of table, Efficient Use of Space (get engineer to help with this), consider placement of bookshelves
*Room in bedroom for altar? If not, living room? If living room, what then moves to bedroom?
*Desk: bedroom or living room? Tempted for latter; reasons include music for gatherings and general comfort; cons may include space. Bookshelves in bedroom as a result?
*Must remember to move pantry cabinet and kitchen cart.

Wow, lengthy brain dump. Persona 3 now, really.

...I know that hits all the major points, and yet I feel like I'm missing stuff.

i do not want you to be pointy, cleaning, life should be easier, apartment, moving, to-do list

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