like fire on the water

Jun 03, 2008 10:50

Ahhh, weekends.

Saturday I did not touch my computer at all. I turned it off Friday night before I went to bed and did not turn it back on until Sunday morning. While it was odd to not be on LJ, I consider the day a complete success.

I got up around 11 and meandered downstairs for lunch, after which Melzer and I went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Sorry, spreadnparanoia, but I disagree with your assessment that Nazis were necessary to an Indy flick. Crazy Soviets work just as well. There were lots of shenanigans, and now I want to run a Mage series of oneshots having to do with finding various shinies out and about.

After the movie, we ran a couple errands around Evanston and then got ice cream, because it was a gorgeous summery day. We ended up sitting on the porch reading. I finally got a copy of The Lies of Locke Lamora. I'm only 30 pages in, but I already ordered the sequel, which will arrive today along with my copy of Kushiel's Mercy omg omg omg SQUEE. Ahem. Uh.

Saturday night was bobbler's housewarming party. I saw their new house before when we were helping them move, but wow holy cow so gorgeous. It looks really amazing with all of the furniture arranged. The party was fun, and we made it both to and from bobbler's place without incident (yay for Meglet remembering landmarks!)

Sunday I was up bright and early to go to the opening of a new game store (finally! I can stop having to either shop at Comix Revolution, where the clerks are jerkfaces, or drive all the way to Games Plus omg so annoying!) I met up with Jeremy, Robbie, wrenbow, Kevin Sue, and intorporeal at the location, which was...not open. Yet the sign in the window said June 1. We were quite sad. So the six of us decided, collectively, to write a note to the owners expressing our dismay.

Our note went something like this (I'm paraphrasing, but it'll be close enough):

Dear Gamer's Asylum,

We are very sad that, contrary to table 1.a on p. 1 of your core rulebook "Window Sign," your store is not yet open. Please see table 1.1 on p. xx of this letter for our reaction. [We did actually draw a table that said "Roll 1d6" and had results of :(, =/, etc.] We hope that you will be open soon so that we can give you munnies.

Dead City Productions, Northwestern's LARP Group.

We left the note in the mail slot, and ventured off in search of lunch. Later on, intorporeal wandered by and found that they had stuck up a large poster saying they were opening on 4th June, and also a note addressed to "Northwestern's LARP Group" saying (again, paraphrasing): "Thank you so much for your note. Roll 1d20 with +10 modifier to see how much we appreciated it. Sadly, we have had the flu, but we will be opening on Wednesday. We hope you will stop by and say hello if you see us in the meantime!" It was signed "The Rules Troll and The Evil Mastermind."

This is definitely promising :D I am going to wander down there on Wednesday after work.

at any rate, lunch was completely delicious, and then I walked back home with wrenbow. I love, love, love that it is warm enough for us to walk around without jackets, and nice enough that I don't really bat an eye at walking 3-4 miles. Joy and glee.

I came back home and re-started the Experimental Staff Remains in Lost Odyssey. I have now made it to the boss at the bottom twice and gotten pwned both times because of his stupid regeneration effect. This is no longer fun and I give up. I am instead going to go beat The Immortal One within the 30-turn limit, get my immortal Skill Master achievements, and finish the game. Maybe later I can be bothered to go back and beat this jerkface, but not right now.

My Mage game is nearly ready to go, and that is awesome and exciting. Also, I finished reading Abyssals. omg, so much horrifying awful broken. they have some Melee charms now that are just disgustingly powerful, and I am houseruling away the Combo-OK keyword on a couple of them because they are just disgusting. I have determined not to use these charms in the final mass battle for my Exalted chron, because...good God. Like Abyssals weren't bad enough before!

Tonight I am cooking dinner for the household, and probably starting Kushiel's Mercy. YAY MORE TERRE D'ANGE.

kushiel's legacy, good times, mage: the ascension: arthurian chron, squee, movies, silly

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