May 30, 2008 23:58

So, uh, puella_nerdii, you know how we were drooling over Lost Odyssey when you were here?

Um. So the thing I got with my download pack, Memory Lamp, lets me rewatch any cinema in the game from a menu in my ship.

So, uh, you should visit me again and we'll experience the entire game in 2 hours, and then we can squee and fic.


In other news! I have obtained the 99th Seed (screw you bitches, I did NOT want to comb the entire fucking ocean floor for your last goddamn Seed; GameFAQs triumphs over official guide like whoa), and now have Pipot Collar. Must revisit Backyard and pwnzor The Immortal One in 30 rounds or less (aaaaaargh, annoying) to get Quad-Element Seal. I'm also 10 floors into the Experimental Staff Remains. how the fuck do you kill those fucking Phoenixes? They dodge fucking everything omfg rar so annoying. I tried Skills, magic of every stripe, physical hits....nothing. BITCH, PLEASE.

ramble ramble. It's been a productive evening, LO-wise. And tomorrow, there will be Indiana Jones, and also gatherings, and I am happy.

also: we had a totally epically awesome dinner tonight. calhin got steaks, Melzer made twice-baked potatoes, and I contributed green beans and sauteed mushrooms and French bread. Mmmmm. So. Good. absolutely amazing. Steak > *

So anyway, awesome start to my weekend. But if spring could stop trying to kill me with allergies, that'd be great.

lost odyssey, omg squee, awesomeness cubed

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