Now, then, that's better.

May 13, 2008 21:49

I posted my two het_challenge pieces on IJ, and I am quite pleased with both of them. I've been talking writing with celeloriel a lot, and I know exactly what I'm going to do for LJ yaoi_challenge, but first I've got to get through one more piece. I've only got a bit left to go, and I expect it shall go well enough once I get to work tomorrow. (The advantage to not writing porn is that I can work on almost all my writing at work!)

Went for a walk this evening, down to Chipotle for delicious dinner (and also to CVS to acquire safety pins so that I can put together the remainder of my costume - no pictures tonight, though). I came back and posted my two fics (which shall be converted to the ficjournal very soon, along with everything else I've written since June of last year). Also I have been reading the Keltiad again of late, and among other things this has been reflected in my writing and my diction when communicating in text, but it also drove me back in the general direction of studying Wicca again, which I often do in cycles.

Some years ago (when I was very new to Wicca) I had picked up a book by Kisma Stepanich called Faery Wicca. At the time, I found it dreadfully boring and hard to wade through, and eventually stuffed it into a corner of my bookshelf (because I am incapable of throwing away books.) I thought of it today, and went and dug it out, and started reading it from the beginning. I'll likely end up doing a series of "reading" entries for each chapter on magickmuse as I did with The Spiral Dance (and now I think of it, that latter series of posts was never completed, but I did find my notes on it, and will finish transcribing them.)

But for now I am sleepy and am going to read a bit of The Hawk's Grey Feather and try to figure out how on earth to add an extra 200 words to my last piece for het_challenge, and then pray very hard that celeloriel can make some kind of coherent, decent whole out of the mess I've made.


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