Better day today.

Jan 30, 2008 23:10

Today was a little better. I came home and whisked myself off to the Whale to run a game of Scion. I had prepped three PC's and had started on a fourth for Kevin, who then informed me he was going to make his own. I shrugged, as I had done little more than the Pantheon/Calling/God, and moved on. I had planned to make him a Scion of Quetzalcoátl who was an architect. When I got there tonight, he handed me his character. He had made a Scion of Quetzalcoátl who was an architect. We boggled, and laughed.

Anyway, I had a fantabulous time running the game, and it was oodles of awesome. The combat went way smoother, I think we were very appropriately balanced (I fudged some numbers on the part of the titanspawn they were fighting, but ti's all for the good.) Folks used their Boons and Knacks in places I hadn't really expected, which ended up with a far happier ending to the game than what I had planned. And I shall say no more than that because I do plan to run this game the next time I'm home, and it'll be awesome shiny.

Now I go to bed. This only-natural-sugars and lowering-caffeine-intake thing? Kicking my butt.

But I had tasty Thai food today.

I think it's the significantly reduced calories (I'm aiming for net -500 per day) that's causing the reaction. I feel fine at work when I'm eating fruit but then I come home and I'm just like *flump.*

Oh well. Bed now!

good times, scion

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