Waste of a weekend

Jan 27, 2008 22:47

I spent my weekend playing games. Basically all of it. I spent Friday night pretending I was going to work on my het_challenge story but as we all know, I don't work on anything until the week before deadline and then I go oh fuck! and spazflail all over the place. I'm actually hoping for some slowish time at work, resulting in working time for me! (Trapped at a computer where I can't go anywhere interesting on the Internet, can't leave my desk, and can't lose a million hours playing Flash games = productivity.)

I played a lot of FF5 this weekend - I got the Syldra and Odin summons, maxed out two Red Mages (awww yeah Dualcast), maxed out a Samurai and a Ranger to get some shinybits, and got the last two tablets. Currently running through Phoenix Tower levelling up, and then I shall do the ??? cave to get the special job classes just to say I have them. Then it's Interdimensional Rift time. I don't think I'm going to have the patience to clear all the optional dungeons, so I'll just destroy Exdeath and be on my way to more interesting games. I go through portable games a lot faster than console ones, mostly because I can spend my break and lunch at work playing the portable kind. Which reminds me that mullenkamp's talk of Phoenix Wright has convinced me to give the second and third games a try. I'm going to try to get the second one used so that I can have the text scroll faster for the love of God and little green apples.

Other than that, nothing much is going on. Went to DCP last night, which was dampened by the headache from hell. I did get to see lots of people I adore, though, and that was awesome. Also scheduled a Scion oneshot for Wednesday. Only problem is I have no idea what to run. ACK. Halp.

I did do a lot of laundry, and wrenbow just helped me change the sheets (which goes about 6x faster when there's two of us, seriously.) So I guess by some standards I did something useful. I do feel nicely recharged, though, so maybe I needed this type of weekend where I needn't do anything except what I want to. (Well, I never want to do laundry, but now my clothes are clean. I did, however, inadvertently ruin one of my sweaters. I am full of sulk and sighing. POUT.)

Anyway, it's late. I'm going to go curl up in bed and read.

(Sidenote: I need more happy icons. I do not have enough of them. Why are all my icons emo?)

final fantasy v

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