Practical Religion

Dec 14, 2005 21:03

I'm finding myself rather disappointed with my own religious practices.  It's not that I am disappointed with the Pagan path nor that I feel I made an incorrect choice, because I'm not and I don't ( Read more... )

ramble, religion, ritual

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Comments 10

cheekylee December 15 2005, 10:36:40 UTC
Religion should be a personal thing. Nobody should ever feel they need to do something because someone else is expecting it. If a quiet 10 minutes is your thing, then stick with it. However, since this appears to be not fulfilling you in the way it should do, then perhaps you can find one day per week to do the ritual? As you rightly point out treating the ritual as a chore is not the correct way to honour the goddess, but not performing it at all might be showing further dishonour. I am no expert in Paganism, so I can't call this one for you.

When asked for my religion, I answer with "I follow a Buddhist philosophy." There is no actual worship or meditation, but I do practice Dharma. This is what works for me. In these times I think the only sensible religion to follow is your own personalised version of one.

Hope this helped.


lassarina December 16 2005, 00:45:01 UTC
It did ^_^ Thanks for taking the time to read!

Yeah basically the answer is to get off my ass...but I am fundamentally a lazy creature, so it's hard.


Too much work mystrylane December 15 2005, 12:57:47 UTC
My advice: don't drag out the alter. There's no reason to have it. Pull out your most used tools, usually only one or two, and do whatever you wanted to do. For my simplest rituals, I have five stones I use and generally use only one or two candles. I lay the colored stone out around me-- green, yellowish, red, blue--and white in the middle. You don't even really have a reason to clean more than a little space ( ... )


Re: Too much work lassarina December 16 2005, 00:45:45 UTC
Ohhh, now there are some good ideas. Many thanks!


pooka_madness December 15 2005, 19:46:12 UTC
My advice to you is: don't be such a lazy arse.

No, seriously.

You don't have time? Make time. Just as an experiment, try treating those holiday celebrations as though they were an obligation. Don't worry so much about writing out some elaborate ritual, which takes time to research, and requires scholarly and analytical thought. That's not what religion is about, at least not in my view. The preparation of ritual space is in itself a ritual, and taking a small block of time out of your day is often sacrifice enough. Just set aside 15 minutes during which you're going to pray and then keep to it ( ... )


lassarina December 16 2005, 00:47:57 UTC
"So quit over-intellectualizing, and just make the time."

Yup. That's it just there. I think too damn much and worry about doing it right. =/ Stupid Virgo.

Nyeh, I know you're right. I just have a hard time motivating myself, I think because I almost feel I haven't enough space to myself. But that could be me making excuses again. I know I got distinctly out of the habit of doing ritual while John was living with me because I felt I couldn't coopt the room for ritual purposes. (And yes I know that's stupid reasoning but it was how I felt.)


kruammitak December 15 2005, 23:26:01 UTC
It seems that the honeymoon is over. Things that were exciting and new are now routiene. It happens to everything that you venture into; relationships, pets, roomates, friends, clothes, interior decortations, restaurants, cars, classes, sex, jobs, babys, etc. It isn't that they lose pleasuribility it just tiresome. But it is good to change habbits before you begin to loath the things you love deep down ( ... )


lassarina December 16 2005, 00:48:54 UTC
Me and 4 am only work when I'm approaching it from the other side. LOL.

Some good suggestions though. Thanks!


kruammitak December 16 2005, 14:18:02 UTC
Waking up so early is all about inertia; an Amelia in motion can say in motion but it need a lot of force to overcome the initial movement. I wake up and start to bargain "well I can stay in bed 10 minutes longer if I forego breakfast, another 5 if I don't watch the weather forecast..."
The bed and I seriously have separation anxiety or something.


lassarina December 16 2005, 19:59:32 UTC
I just never seem to have the time to go to bed early enough to sleep the proper amount, so i can't get up. And I totally do the bargaining thing too.

Well, I could go to bed early - I'd just never have time to do everything else I need and/or want to.


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