Practical Religion

Dec 14, 2005 21:03

I'm finding myself rather disappointed with my own religious practices.  It's not that I am disappointed with the Pagan path nor that I feel I made an incorrect choice, because I'm not and I don't ( Read more... )

ramble, religion, ritual

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kruammitak December 15 2005, 23:26:01 UTC
It seems that the honeymoon is over. Things that were exciting and new are now routiene. It happens to everything that you venture into; relationships, pets, roomates, friends, clothes, interior decortations, restaurants, cars, classes, sex, jobs, babys, etc. It isn't that they lose pleasuribility it just tiresome. But it is good to change habbits before you begin to loath the things you love deep down.

Everyone will have a different opinion over this as well. Cut and run, stay until the end, spice things up... If you are feeling guilt over it either way (action/inaction) you can't just choose one over the other so easily.

For me, getting up early on a Sunday does suck balls especially when the bed is oh so warm, the bed oh so soft and you are in just the prefect position. It was easy for me to figure out that I owed some adoration to something higher due to the fact that I had lots of great things going on even if was as small as a love for chocolate. :) Then I decided that if the most talented being could whip up this universe out of oblivion then I can get off my hiney to celebrate that gift of creation.

1 - Try a different time of day - Even if it means waking up at 4am for an hour of peace before work.
2 - Try pre-rituals - Some yoga will not only strenghten the body and mind but help de stress you. Try not to do activities that you can get lost in like tv books or games (30 minutes can easily spill over into 3 hours and then you have run out of time.)
3 - Reward yourself after you do it. Is there a special cocoa you like by Godiva or something. Sip it down while you recall what happened and reflect internally.
4 - Will the Goddess be upset if you celebrate 3 days early on a weekend? If you beleive that your creator/savior/higher power whatever is understanding and lienient work with them and give them early recognition in a longer ceremony and celebrate on the day of with a shorter prayer.
5 - Religion is a celebration of the spirit; have fun with it as much as you can. Color in a color book representations of elements you recognize, sew a patch in a quilt (over time you will have wall scrolls that can help set the mood in your room), sting some beads togeather with colors representing petitions... Basically try to get more creative. Heck, cooking can be mangled into a ways of prayer. Mmmmm, Moon Pies and rock candy...
6 - When you want to grumble take a deep breath and reflect on better things a la Sound of Music.

Sometimes minds will wander but who is to say that that isn't what the goddess wants? Sometimes you will end up of thinking of something in a different light but you will take the round about path to get there.

Experimenting is all about being an open minded pagan. :)


lassarina December 16 2005, 00:48:54 UTC
Me and 4 am only work when I'm approaching it from the other side. LOL.

Some good suggestions though. Thanks!


kruammitak December 16 2005, 14:18:02 UTC
Waking up so early is all about inertia; an Amelia in motion can say in motion but it need a lot of force to overcome the initial movement. I wake up and start to bargain "well I can stay in bed 10 minutes longer if I forego breakfast, another 5 if I don't watch the weather forecast..."
The bed and I seriously have separation anxiety or something.


lassarina December 16 2005, 19:59:32 UTC
I just never seem to have the time to go to bed early enough to sleep the proper amount, so i can't get up. And I totally do the bargaining thing too.

Well, I could go to bed early - I'd just never have time to do everything else I need and/or want to.


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