Sep 23, 2004 18:11
All I did today was process password resets. I mean, ok, old people forget stuff. Hell, I'm 22 and I forget stuff all the damn time. But how hard is it to write a password down and keep it with all the rest of your important papers? Organization, people!
In other work-related news, I have acquired a new nickname that has a bit of story with it.
As many people know, I am particularly fond of an anonymous quote: "Do not argue with dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup." Due to extreme boredom at work, I made a little colourful sign of it and put it in the corner of my cubicle. Well, Kelly saw it and thought it was great, and that is now the thing she associates with me, so my new nickname is "Little Dragon" because I'm about 6 inches shorter than her :)
So yeah, now I am Little Dragon. I think it's neat :)
I finished reading George R.R. Martin's A Game Of Thrones last night. It was fucking fantastic. I absolutely hate Joffrey, Cersei, and Tywin. Tyrion and Arya are fucking awesome. I am as yet undecided on Daenarys (although she has a badass factor), Jorah, and Renly, and while I almost feel sorry for Sansa, I still hate her. Also Jon is rather cool. I started A Clash of Kings today. Mmmm, tasty fantasy book-y goodness.
Also, in writing news, I'm reworking the history of Wyrdborn a little bit; adding details and fleshing things out. I finally worked out how it was that the First Great Demon War pretty much wiped out recorded history and civilization, and the details of how Alzik became the Dark Prince after Leishal died, and how the Orintalan line came to hold the Arkadai'an throne and how the Sanctuary at Galisha came to host the Black Sword. Also I worked out where the hell Julius came from, which is an important detail. Since I have little to do at work between calls and much paper and ink available, I shall undoubtedly devote more time to this endeavour. After all, I really need to work out the economic, social, and political structure of each country, plus cultural habits and legal quirks. Which means I should probably print out a copy of the map, if only so I can remember where the fuck everything is and add interesting cities to the map as I go.
I'm gonna go curl up for a half hour and then begin making dinner. I hope I don't have to do too many dishes first.
writing: wyrdborn,