
Jun 15, 2004 03:28

pooka_madness has had an away the last couple days that is something like "It feels very strange to be one of the ones who didn't pack up and go home." This is a true statement. However, it does mean I've been hanging out with Pooka more, which is fun. He's been playing my copy of Wind Waker, and we watched the rest of Buffy season 4.

Yesterday I cleaned, a whole lot. There's a desk underneath all the crap piled up around my monitor and stereo! I got a lot of stuff sorted and put away, and I have a bit more to do, but I'm advancing in the cause of cleaning this place up before my family gets here on Wednesday. At any rate, in the process I rediscovered a $30 Best Buy gift card, three $20 Sam Goody gift cards, and a $30 Borders gift card beneath all the junk--NONE of which had been used. Tasty goodness. We went to Chipotle for food, and then Eben and I were going to take the $60 of gift certificates to Sam Goody or Suncoast and get Buffy season 5, which I've yet to see (once I do see it, I'll be all caught up on Buffy.) Of course it being Sunday night at like 8:30, the mall was closed. So we went off to Old Orchard in an effort to locate a similar store there. No such luck, which was fine. We came back here and watched part of Alias season 1, which Dana had rented for us. Pooka wandered off downstairs, and I went to bed.

I got up today and puttered around a while, had a good long shower (during which the kitten mewled inquisitively, sitting on the floor next to the tub, but did not gather the bravery to investigate the splashyness. I can't shut him out of the bathroom cause his litter box is there, so I have vocal company when I shower.) I played a bit more of Final Fantasy V. That game's capacity to include one enemy in any given area that will just rape you sideways (example: Harpy, Quadrharpy, MiniDragons if you're not smart) really pisses me off. Pooka and I then went with Dana to the mall to get Buffy season 5. Suncoast did not have it, so we checked downstairs at Sam Goody and ended up with a copy, which was good. (There was some confusion over seasons, because the box colours of 5 and 6 are wretchedly similar, but we resolved it nicely.) Incidentally, the amount of road construction ongoing in this area is fucking insane. As Eben said, "It's a good thing we have good music." We listened to a couple CDs of really good sing-along type stuff--Eve 6, Linkin Park, Athenaeum, Dashboard Confessional, Nine Days, stuff like that. I proved rather conclusively my assertion that while I cannot hear whether or not I am on key (I usually am not) when music is actually playing, I can sing on-key (or at least tell when I'm wrong) if I am simply singing without the CD playing. Singing is one of my weird musical quirks. I can't sing on key for the life of me, but when I play an instrument I always know when I hit a wrong note, and I have had no difficulty learning to play any instrument I've attempted.

At that point, around 4:30, we decided we were hungry, because Dana asked if the mall we were at was the one that had California Pizza Kitchen. It was not, but the one that did was a short hop away, so we skittered back up McCormick. I had the sheer deliciousness that is the Roasted Garlic Chicken pizza. White wine and butter sauce, mozzarella, roasted chicken, garlic, and onions. Wretchedly bad for your breath, and absolutely delicious. I ate less than half of it and brought the rest home. Eben and I hung out a bit longer while he played Wind Waker, and I took Dana up to DZ, then came back and straightened up the common room a bit, preparatory to full cleaning that will happen tomorrow. Pooka vanished to hang with Evil, so I played a lot of FF5. I've now got a Black Chocobo and I'm on my way back to the Ancient Library, thereafter to cross the Sand Dunes. Incidentally, I hate this game, but I'm bound and determined to finish it just so I can say I did. (Much the same reason I finished FF: Mystic Quest, which I hate with a fiery passion. Much though I hate FF5, it's not as bad as MQ.) I drove to DZ to retrieve Dana, as he was rather tipsy and didn't want to walk, and then came home, reheated a bit of my pizza for a tasty midnight (well, ok, 2 am) snack, and read the first segment of Houses of the Fallen. Hooray for combining 7 splatbooks that would cost me $10-$15 apiece into a single, $30 hardcover volume.

Now I am awake (no doubt due to the iced tea I have been drinking) and trying to decide what to do. Ganon is hopping up and down off the chair near me in an effort to get better angles of attack against his beanie baby toy, which is very cute. He has a tendency of "hugging" it with his paws and clinging for dear life as though he loved it, while simultaneously chewing on its nose and scratching at its tail with his back legs. Quite bizarre :)

I don't really know what I want to do. I'm not ready to go to sleep. I don't want to play any more FF5, nor do I want to work on any walkthroughs. I'm pretty thoroughly sick of reading Demon sourcebooks, and not in the mood to move on with the Wayfarer Redemption books. I don't want to work on my site, nor do I have any particular inspiration to write. I guess I could go play NWN, but I don't really want to do that either. Bah. Bah, I say!

Perhaps I will dig through my bookshelf for a trashy novel and read that. In fact, that seems like a pretty good idea. I'm in the mood for mindless fluff. Also lonely and horny, so I will content myself with happy endings in a book and wish I could have one.

Tomorrow's To-Do:

1) Send out more resumes--minimum goal of 5, not counting the two jobs I already noted and have yet to send resumes to.
2) Dust, Windex, etc. my room and the common room
3) Clean my bathroom
4) Go to Student Loans and pick up the stuff I need

There. Nice low-key low-stress list. I will make a list for Wednesday after tomorrow. Thinking too far ahead and making too big of a list will just ensure that nothing gets done because I'll procrastinate.

Right. Trashy novels.

good times, final fantasy v, reading, video games, cats!

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