Holy shit, I'm a fucking badass.

Jun 14, 2004 23:39

The grades for the quarter are as follows.

Classics and the Cinema: B+
History Trailer Seminar: War and Peace in the Middle Ages: A-
Language, Politics, and Identity: A


Now, Classics I expected, as I have had a B+ on everything and don't really pay attention in class and she knows it. So I earned that one good and proper.

History seminar? Let me repeat. I am a fucking badass. Since I barely went to class, which was %10 of my grade (not like I cared), I must have gotten an A on the paper. That's an A on a paper I spent 6 hours writing, kids, that was %90 of my grade. I FUCKING RULE!!!!

Language, Politics and Identity: What the fuck! OK. First off, I skipped that class like nobody's business, including days she took attendance. (Attendance = %10). Second of all, I bullshit my way through my presentation (%10). I got a B on my precis (%10). I got a B on the midterm (%25). I got a B on the linguistic biography (%10). I did pretty well on the quizzes (%10), but even assuming I aced my final paper (%25), how in fuck could I possibly get an A? Unless she curved the hell out of the class, which is just fine by me!

I find it fucking hilarious that the class I hated most, put the least effort into, and just didn't even give a damn how I did, is the one I get an A in.

Term GPA: 3.667

That raises my cumulative from a 3.295 (fuck you, mono, for fucking me up last quarter) to a 3.320.

I so fucking rule, there are no words.


That's a 3.3 from Northwestern University. It probably won't get me honours in any way, shape or form, but you know.....I'm graduating from NU with a B+ average over 4 years. I rock.

Yeah, I'm bragging, so what? I worked hard for this! ....No, really, I did. I did all my homework and put time and effort into my papers. I attended every class and studied hard for every exam....

No, no I didn't *dissolves into giggles* I'm not even gonna try and pull that one off. But still. I earned my damn 3.320! I suppose I could've had less of a social life and worked harder for an A- average....but I just didn't care enough. Oh well. I did it, and I did it well. Mom and Dad have nothing to complain about.

I think I have earned a celebratory drink. I'm gonna go get one. Woot! Then back to video games!

school, classes

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