
Jun 03, 2004 04:12

OK. To-Do list update:

1. Do last Linguistics reading and take online quiz (due Friday 28 May)
2. Write 6-8 page Linguistics essay (due Wednesday 2 June)
3. Rewrite 3-5 page Classics essay (due Thursday 3 June)
4. Write outline of Knights Templar paper (personal goal for finishing: Tuesday 1 June)
5. Write intro and first 5-6 pages of Templar paper (personal goal for finishing: Wednesday 2 June)
6. Finish Knights Templar paper (due Monday 7 June)
7. Make arrangements for a photographer for graduation pictures and to get my hair done, because my mom, much though I love her, is a psycho
8. Find vet for kitten, and take kitten to said vet
9. Ask Dad for more money -.-;;;

I made salmon tonight, brushed with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper, and rosemary. It was muchly delicious. Then Kerry and Anne hung out, and we watched a movie called Thirteen. It's a very fucked-up movie about a girl who's thirteen and in a rather messed up household--her mom styles hair out of their house and has a former drug addict boyfriend. She gets into hanging out with a really, really bad news girl, and spirals down into stealing, drugs, drinking, cutting herself, and sex. It's really fucked up, but was very well done. It also reminded me how goddamn fucking annoying teenage girls can be. I hope to Christ I was never like that.

Then I finished my Classics paper (in about 15 minutes) and now I'm getting ready to round up the kitten and snag about 6 hours of sleep, then get up, turn in my paper, write checks for bills, clean the apartment since Dana's parents are coming in for the weekend to see the premiere of his movie, and outline my Knights Templar paper and read the sources through and make my notes. Maybe I'll even get started writing it, though I doubt it.

I'm really tired, and it's making me rather grumpy. My neck and back hurt incredibly, and I'm trying to figure out which of my friends I can bribe to give me a back rub, since Dana doesn't want to. I'm also feeling really lonely. I'm spending a lot of time with friends, yeah, but it's the kind of lonely where, essentially, I just want to be with someone. Not just any someone, it has to be the right someone....I don't know. I'm just tired, and I want. So once again I dump my whinings in my journal and bitch about things I don't really know how to change. *sigh*

Bleh, I don't even feel better for having bitched. I will take the kitten and sleep. It will make me feel better, I hope.
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