Oh, good Lord.

Jun 02, 2004 05:26

Whew. I started half-heartedly working on my Linguistics paper around 10:30. I dicked around and didn't really do much until 2:30, when I sat down and started trying to get my act together. I must say, I was definitively saved by the outline I wrote a few days ago. It really gave me a focus to follow--I found I had way more to write about than I had room for, so I cut out a lot of stuff about Parnell and 1798 and landlordism and O'Connell. I started actually writing around 3, and just finished now (5:15). That's a 7 page paper, half of which was done by 3:45. :) I didn't even have to try to stretch things out. I was impressed.

I nearly made myself sick again with stress, I could feel my stomach starting to churn, so I IMed wizocodes and basically begged him to keep me sane while I finished the paper. His unique brand of insanity did the trick, and the paper went surprisingly smoothly. I also talked to rabbitbenrin, whom I have missed muchly, and just generally trucked along. I'll get up tomorrow and re-read the paper and make sure it's good--Word found no major grammatical errors and my Flesch-Kincaid level is 12, so that makes me pretty happy.

So yes, my Linguistics paper is done. To-Do list has been duly updated.

In other news, the kitten is unbearably cute. Earlier tonight he tried to jump at the plastic baggie Eben had left laying on the arm of the chair. He didn't quite make it, so for a couple minutes he was just hanging off the edge of the chair by his claws, staring inquisitively. It was cute beyond words. He's been a good, friendly kitten today. The biting incidents have been wonderfully few!

We had dinner at Lulu's tonight--all you can eat stuff for approx. $16 a person. Then we went to Something Wicked because apparently today was International Gamer's Day and they had some specials on. Most World of Darkness books were reduced %80, so I picked up Houses of the Fallen (a $30 book!) for $6.51. DCP, in the form of Sam, Rodrigo, and Zoe, purchased some clanbooks for the perusal of its members (Cam clans only right now) because they were $3 apiece. I offered to possibly donate my Followers of Set clanbook because, hell, I don't have much use for it. We'll see. calhin won a book with a dice rolly thing and had a choice of Dark Ages: Mage, Mage: the Sorcerer's Crusade, Dark Ages: Vampire, Aberrant, or the Star Wars RPG. He picked Star Wars. Personally I'd've gone for DA: M, but that's cause I'm a Mage whore.

I really want to run Demon this summer. A nice, small game. Like, 2 or 3 people. That'll be nifty and swell. At any rate, it's dawn and I should be getting to sleep. Come hither, small kitten! We are off to bed!

1. Do last Linguistics reading and take online quiz (due Friday 28 May)
2. Write 6-8 page Linguistics essay (due Tuesday 1 June)*
3. Rewrite 3-5 page Classics essay (due Thursday 3 June)
4. Write outline of Knights Templar paper (personal goal for finishing: Tuesday 1 June)
5. Write intro and first 5-6 pages of Templar paper (personal goal for finishing: Wednesday 2 June)
6. Finish Knights Templar paper (due Monday 7 June)
7. Make arrangements for a photographer for graduation pictures and to get my hair done, because my mom, much though I love her, is a psycho
8. Find vet for kitten, and take kitten to said vet
9. Ask Dad for more money -.-;;;

*Due date changed to Wednesday 2 June.


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