
May 28, 2004 02:20


I just finished vacuuming and mopping the kitchen, the hallway, and my bathroom. I just couldn't stand the kitchen floor anymore, so I decided to clean it. It needs re-mopping, but for now, it'll do. I also did some of the dishes, because it drives me crazy when they just pile up, and there were dishes there that have been there for a good 2 weeks. Crazy! Crazy-making!

In other news for the day, I finished reading the Demon: the Fallen corebook. The STing suggestions in the back sadly gave me more ideas for Mage chronicles than for Demon, lol. I started Exalted, but I've only gotten through the Introduction. I'll go work on that some more.

I played LUNAR right up until I entered the final dungeon. I am pleased that my suspicions about Laike were eminently correct. Sometime in the next couple weeks or so I'll advance through the final dungeon--and then I shall face Ghaleon and get the shit kicked out of me. :)

The only other thing of note I did was complete my last-ever college reading assignment and take my last-ever college quiz. Holy shit. 3 papers and 11 days from now, I will be DONE with college. That's so scary. I don't wanna leave here! It's nice! Well, except the snow and the ice and the getting up early for class and cramming for finals and....no, fuck it, I wanna stay in college, I don't care about the fucked upness! :( :( so sad!

I also outlined my Linguistics paper, so at least I have a blueprint, and I have realised that my paper is actually a history essay thinly disguised as a Linguistics essay. Oh well. Don't really care. So Linguistics is outlined and wants only quotes and writing, Classics is next best to done (the draft is completed and just needs reworking according to my peer editing things), and that leaves me with history, which of course is the worst of the three. Figures that Classics, the easiest, would have to be the one that's practically done already thanks to Syson's habit of assigning early drafts and peer editing.

Now, I suppose I am off to read the Exalted corebook (finally! It was one of the first 3 corebooks I bought in December of '01, and I still haven't read it.) I haven't really got anything else to do and I'm not ready to sleep yet. *shrug*

demon: the fallen, video games, classes, gaming, lunar

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